Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May 2011 o Sensor Review Slides for Jörn Talk IBL Sensor Review Kick-off Meeting CERN, May, 4 th 2011 G. Darbo / INFN-Genova Indico agenda:
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May PROTOTYPE PROGRAM & TESTS
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May FE-I4 Assemblies Already made assemblies CiS: 35 of which 10 of IBL design CNM: 8 of which 8 of IBL design FBK: 8 of which 0 of IBL design Assemblies to be made with priority with IBL design CiS: 10 CMN: 7 FBK: (to x-check prior assembly test with removable metal)
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May FE-I4 Performance Analog performance of FE-I4 are better than for FE-I3 Noise ~130÷150e- with sensors before irradiation, chip simulation gives a noise of 220e at 50nA leakage current and 400fF capacitance. No systematic studies done yet with irradiated sensor, but first measure confirm it. 3 FE-I4 irradiated (Los Alamos 800 MeV protons) at 200 Mrad: threshold dispersion does not change, while noise increases by about 20%, no systematic effects. No systematic studies of minimum operating threshold: unirradiated assemblies successfully tuned at 1500e- (and below).
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May FE-I4 Wafers Total of 16 FE-I4 wafer available for IBL prototypes 9 fully probed and analyzed 65% average yield Additional 6 wafer bought from spare IBM production for IBL uses. Not delivered yet.
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May Irradiated Devices Irradiate devices with p (Karlsruhe - KS) of 23MeV and neutrons (Ljubljana - LJ) from reactor. Qualification dose: 5E15N or 5E15P n eq /cm 2 Karlsruhe: DUT on SCC → test → irradiate → test → test beam Ljubljana: DUT on SCC → test → remove DUT from SSC → irradiate → reload on SCC → test → test beam Plan to have for CERN test beam in May/June CiS: 4 KS + 4 LJ - CNM: 2KS + 2LJ - FBK: 2KS + 2LJ More devices will be irradiate to recover handling failure (especially for LJ)
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May Test Beams with FE-I4 Desy: February
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May May/June Test Beam at CERN IBL test beam: May 20 to June 13 Morpurgo Magnet Ciller box with temperature control IBL Reference for Schedule: Reference for Schedule: Problem with TAX in the north area, all FT affected. At least 5 weeks delay! Risk to loose beam period! Problem with TAX in the north area, all FT affected. At least 5 weeks delay! Risk to loose beam period!
Reviewer’s Mandate G. Darbo – INFN / Genova Sensor Review, 4 May Cold Box for Test Beam Special cold box in preparation for CERN test beam in May/June Up two 6 modules, design specs: Sensor temperature: -20ºC Heat load: 5 W / module Adjustment w.r.t beam line of pitch and jaw angles Active liquid cooling of individual modules: graphite cold plate in contact with the DUT (low X0) Commercial recirculating chiller ºC (LAUDA RK20-KS) Specs: