House of Tudor Elizabeth I ( ) Against Catholicism Protestant Head of C of E Mary, Queen of Scots Milton isn’t born yet.
House of Stuart James “Jimbo” I ( ) Milton is born in 1608Milton attends St. Paul’s School in 1620 Protestant/Presbyterian Catholic Uprising in Scotland King James Bible Remember, Remember the Fifth of November
House of Stuart Charles “Chuck” I ( ) Milton is accepted to Christ’s College in “Comus” is performed in 1634 Lycidas is published in 1638 Milton begins political writings in 1641 Milton publishes Tenure of Kings and Magistrates in 1649 Divine Right of Kings Catholicism Civil Wars
Chuck Loses His Head.
The Lord Protectorate Oliver “Old Ironsides” Cromwell ( ) Arminianist to Protestant Irish Campaign Scottish Campaign Posthumous Execution Milton composes several defenses for England for the campaigns
The Lord Protectorate Richard “Lazy N’er-Do-Well Cromwell ( ) Independent Didn’t do much Milton publishes A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes in 1959
House of Stuart Charles “Whitesnake” II ( ) Milton publishes The Ready and Easy Way in 1660, Parliament puts a warrant out for his arrest Milton hides Paradise Lost published in 1667 Restoration Period Catholic Interests C of E Rise of Power Charles II brings about the Apocalypse
Johnny “Rebel” Milton Puritan Monism Anti-Trinitarianism Socinianist Mortalism (He’s giving a peace sign)
Works Cited Fallon, Steven. Milton among the Philosophers. Ithaca: Cornell UP, Hughes, Merritt Y., Ed. Complete Poems and Major Prose. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, Lewalski, Barbara K. The Life of John Milton. Cornwall: Blackwell Publishing, Rogers, John. The Matter of Revolution. Ithaca: Cornell UP, Et al. i.e. Wikipedia et BBC