Introduction of Simulation by GEANT4 Jeng-Lun, Chiu Institute of Physics, NTHU 2006/06/22.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction of Simulation by GEANT4 Jeng-Lun, Chiu Institute of Physics, NTHU 2006/06/22

What’s GEANT4 Geant4 (GEometry ANd Tracking) is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. Its application areas include high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as studies in medical and space science.

Applications High Energy Physics BaBar –The BaBar simulation reproduces in detail the generation of events at the interaction point, the propagation of the resulting particles through the detector and the response of the detector to these particles. Detector response quantities are then used to construct candidate events which may analyzed as if they were real data. ATLAS (LHC)ATLAS –Brief description of how GEANT4 is used in the ATLAS Detector Simulation. OSCAR (LHC)OSCAR –Brief description of how GEANT4 is used in the in the Object oriented Simulation for CMS Analysis and Reconstruction. GAUSS (LHC)GAUSS –Brief description of how GEANT4 is used in the Gauss simulation program of the LHCb experiment. ALICE –Brief description of how GEANT4 is used in the ALICE Geant4 Simulation. Space & Radiation SEPTIMESS –Space Energetic Particle Transport and Interaction Modeling studies REAT –Radiation Effects Analysis Tools INTAS –High-Energy Interplanetary Radiation Fields and Radiation Effect Simulation for Spacecraft Missions European Space Agency –Energetic Particle Shielding and Interaction ToolsEnergetic Particle Shielding and Interaction Tools –XMM-Newton Radiation EnvironmentXMM-Newton Radiation Environment –Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS)Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS) DESIRE –The aim of the DESIRE project is to calculate the radiation levels inside the Columbus International Space Station (ISS) module, and from these estimate the doses received by astronauts and equipment.ColumbusISS GLAST –Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope Medical GATE –Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission

Source codes GEANT4 - Main The Geant4 source code ( geant4.8.0.p01.gtar.gz ) GEANT4 - Data Neutron data files with thermal cross sections (G4NDL version 3.8) ( G4NDL.3.8.tar.gz ) Neutron data files without thermal cross sections (G4NDL version 0.2) ( G4NDL.0.2.tar.gz ) Data files for low energy electromagnetic processes (version 3.0) ( G4EMLOW.3.0.tar.gz ) Data files for photon evaporation ( PhotonEvaporation.2.0.tar.gz ) Data files for radioactive decay hadronic processes (version 3.0) ( RadiativeDecay.3.0.tar.gz ) Data files for high energy elastic scattering processes (version 1.1) ( G4ELASTIC.1.1.tar.gz ) GEANT4 - Additional Required Software CLHEP – A Class library for High Energy Physics ( clhep slc3-ia32- gcc344.tgz ) DAWN – Visualization software (a PostScript renderer ) ( dawn_3_88a.taz ) ROOT – An Object-Oriented Data Analysis Framework ( root_v Linux.slc4.gcc3.4.5.tar )

File Structure Tree (1) GEANT4 binconfigdata G4ELASTIC1. 1 G4EMLOW3.0G4NDL0.2 PhotonEvapor ation2.0 RadiativeDeca y3.0 environmentsexamples GNUmakefile History, README advancedextendednovice N02 exampleN02.c c & … include vis.mac & ???.mac src N01~07 includetmpsrcsourceReleaseNote Physics _lists electromagneti c hadronic geant4.8.0.p01Configure

Now Installing… Check the “Operating Systems” and “Required Software (C++ complier, CLHEP library, GNU Make, & G4 toolkit source code)”. (also software for visualization and analysis…) Type “./Configure –build” under the folder “geant4.8.0.p01”. Then follow the on-screen instructions to set the path in the system where Geant4 libraries should be installed later on. Set other paths manually in “~/.bashrc” for “CLHEP”, “data-files”, “Geant4 files after compilation”, and etc… Completion of installation?! In addition, install the hadronic physics lists manually under “$G4INSTALL/physics_lists/hadronic”.

Note!! It is better to fully install the Linux-system!!! Interrupting the installation of GEANT4 and reworking may cause some errors due to the unclear settings of paths!! Don’t forget to install the hadronic physics lists manually!

File Structure Tree (2) GEANT4 binconfigdata G4ELASTIC 1.1 G4EMLOW 3.0 G4NDL0.2 PhotonEvap oration2.0 RadiativeDe cay3.0 environment s examples GNUmakefil e History, README advancedextendednovice N02 exampleN0 & … include vis.mac & ???.mac src N01~07 includetmpsrcsource ReleaseNot e Physics _lists electromagn etic hadronic geant4.8.0.p 01 ConfigureDAWNROOTCLHEP

Now Starting…

Novice Examples Descriptions of the six novice examples are provided here along with links to the code. 1. ExampleN01 (Description below) Mandatory user classes Demonstrates how Geant4 kernel works 2. ExampleN02 (Description below) Simplified tracker geometry with uniform magnetic field Electromagnetic processes 3. ExampleN03 (Description below) Simplified calorimeter geometry Electromagnetic processes Various materials 4. ExampleN04 (Description below) Simplified collider detector with a readout geometry Full ‘‘ordinary’’ processes PYTHIA primary events Event filtering by stack 5. ExampleN05 (Description below) Simplified BaBar calorimeter EM shower parametrisation 6. ExampleN06 (Description below) Optical photon processes 7. ExampleN07 (Description below) Geometrical Regions for production thresholds Dynamic geometry setups between runs Primitive scorer and filter Derived run class and run action

Example N02 ExN02ChamberParameterisation ExN02DetectorConstruction ExN02DetectorMessenger ExN02EventAction ExN02MagneticField ExN02PhysicsList ExN02PrimaryGeneratorAction ExN02RunAction ExN02SteppingAction ExN02SteppingVerbose ExN02TrackerHit ExN02TrackerSD exampleN02.err exampleN02.out GNUmakefile History README run1.mac run2.mac vis.mac /N02/include/*.hh (Announcement of all parameters and programs) /N02/src/*.cc (all the related programs) /N02/* (main programs inside)

File Structure Tree (3) copy gmake

Some tests

Note for tests *.mac: vis:proton ; run1:mu- ; run2:proton with B exampleN02: 00,01 <- vis.mac : 60,120 deg. 02,03 <- vis.mac : 90,180 deg. 04,05,06 <- run1.mac : visualization with vis.mac parameters 07 <- run2.mac : visualization with vis.mac parameters 08 <- run2.mac : visualization with vis.mac parameters ; beam 100 Test_program (TEST_II): ( ; Test_program_ZK) 09,10 <- vis.mac : 60,120 11,12 : 90, : 90,0 14,15 : 120,120 16,17,18 <- run1.mac : 60:120 19,20,21 <- run2.mac : B=10T ; 60,120 ; beam=1 (22,23:90,180; 24:90,0; 25:120,120; 26:90,90) (27:60,0; 28:60,30; 29:60,90; 30:60,120 ; 31:60,150) 32~34 <- run2.mac : B=10T ; 60,30 ; beam=10 (devices changed: 8 chambers)( 35~37 <- run1.mac : 60,120 38~40 <- run2.mac : B=20T ; 60,30 ; beam=10

Geant4 advanced examples  -ray telescope X-ray telescope Underground physics and radiation background X-ray fluorescence Brachytherapy

Within the recent 2 months…… Downloading GEANT4 source codes… and preparing the necessary programs (CLHEP, ROOT, DAWN) Installing and setting paths… Understanding novice example… (N02) Changing parameters… (TEST_II) ( 1 month ) To be continued…

Reference (GEANT4) ant4/photoalbum.html (photo gallery) ant4/photoalbum.html (GEANT4 Short Course Lecture Notes (INFN Pisa, Pisa (Italy), )) (CLHEP) (ROOT) (DAWN-download) (User Guide) ~ Thank You ~