SENTEOS Anne Mumford
What is a Senteo? Senteos are clickers that SMART technologies have created to enhance student’s learning. The Senteos are clickers that are incorporated in the classroom as interactive response systems. The Senteos allow students and teachers to interact further with the SMARTboard using the Senteos.
What can Senteos do? Senteos are built to privately assess students in a matter of minutes. Senteos also help teachers understand what students individually need help on just by looking at the data from the assessments.
What kind of tests can you have? Teachers can assess the students in any topic they choose. The teacher has to just type the question and the answer into the system on the computer and the students take the test. As soon as the students are done completing the tests, the scores go straight into a grading sheets to see what their final grade.
What does the Data explain? The data received by using the Senteos inform the teachers of what each individual student’s weaknesses and strengths are related to the topic. The teachers can see who did and who did not get the question wrong allowing them to instantly figure out who needs more help. This instant data allows the teacher to quickly view the results and work more with the students.
How does the Senteos work? The Senteos are little wireless remotes that are detected by a sensor that is connected by a USB port through the computer. This USB port sends all the information to the computer to allow instant feedback.
The types of Senteos There is SMART Senteo Response that is focused for students from k through 12 classrooms. There is also a SMART Senteo Response LE that is focused on students that are younger and students with exceptionalities.
How do the Students use Senteos? The students first “log in” through the Senteo. Once they are logged in the Senteo recognizes the student and guides the student through the questions. After the students complete the test they immediately get their test results back. This will allow them to see their test scores and understand what they need help on.
Senteo Buttons
Benefits of using Senteos The Senteos are focused to enhance student’s learning and to improve their grades. With the help of Senteos, the students and the teachers gain a better understanding of what area the student needs to improve on reassuring the teacher to focus on that area again. It also engages students to perform better and become more intrigued with their learning.
For more information… If you would like more information… Check out this Senteo video Check out the SMART website Check out what SMART has to say about Senteos Check out this Senteo facto handout