President’s Report This past fall preview day, Western had 11, 262 potential students registered, plus drop ins New residence update: 600 beds will be ready for September 2013, 400 ready for January 2014 Joke was made about USC breakfast #notfunny ORF “research excellence” program was cancelled, affecting 17 Western applications #notfunny
Relocation of Office of the Ombudsperson Responding to Mr. Duncan’s concerns about relocating the Ombudsperson’s office to accommodate space for international education in the Student Services Building, Dr. Deakin advised that this move is proceeding as part of Western’s internationalization mandate.
Selection Committee Vice-President (Research) C. Caxaj, C. Dean, J. Johnson, R. Poole, J. Rylett. Vice-President (International) Julie McMullin, David Jeffrey, Andy Hrymak, Janice Deakin, ME
SUMMARY OF AGENDA ITEMS: January 20, 2012 SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND AWARDS (SCAPA) FOR ACTION Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Revisions to English Language and Literature Modules, Minor in English for Teachers, Minor in General English, and Certificate in Theatre Arts; Withdrawal of the Minor in Dramatic Literature Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Revisions to the Certificates and Diplomas in Business French and Français Pratique Richard Ivey School of Business: Revisions to the Admission Requirements for the HBA Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) Faculty of Social Science: Introduction of a Social Science Course Designation and a Summer Internship; Revision to the Admission Requirements for Economics Modules for Ontario High School Applicants Faculty of Law and School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies: Introduction of a Combined JD/MSc (Geology or Geophysics) Program School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies: Consolidation of the Graduate Programs in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry King’s University College: Revisions to Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work (Honors) Program Revisions to the Policies on Administration of Examinations