Whirling with Weather A Unit Plan By Renee Milano
Rationale: This unit was created to educate second grade students about the fundamentals of weather. The activities involved were designed to provide students with opportunities to learn about weather and how it applies to their everyday lives.
Standards Science Social Studies Math Language Arts Fine Arts
Goals Students will understand and apply the scientific concepts, principals and theories pertaining to weather, climate and lifecycles. Students will learn about regional climates and ultimately decide which climate is their favorite.
Anticipatory Set Listen closely…tell me what you hear! KWHL Weather Chart Picture Puzzle What’s Our Weather Today?
Enabling Activities Daily Weather Log Local Weather Observations Nature Walk Weather Wizards (Web Quest) Looking at Weather
Culminating Activity Let’s be Meteorologists: This activity concludes the unit as students demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have gained. They will develop an accurate forecast for the assigned region and present it to the class as they play the role of a meteorologist.
Assessment Students will be assessed throughout the unit with a variety of tools such as: Rubrics Quizzes Daily Journal Entries Final Presentation Class Discussions
Conclusion When this unit is complete the student will have learned the basic fundamentals of weather and climate through their exploration and experiences. They will have developed an understanding of how weather affects their lives and the lives of others on a daily basis and they will be able to answer the question: What is your favorite weather and why?