IPY 2007 2008 1 Wenjan Zhang, Tillmann Mohr, Eduard Sarukhanian Sub-Committee on Observations of the IPY JC –progress report.


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Presentation transcript:

IPY Wenjan Zhang, Tillmann Mohr, Eduard Sarukhanian Sub-Committee on Observations of the IPY JC –progress report

IPY IPY JC Sub-committee on Observations In view of great importance of observing component for the success of IPY implementation JC established Sub-committee on Observations (SCOBS) in November 2005 with TOR that contain the following tasks: 1. Evaluate the observational requirements contained in the full proposals for IPY and assess which can be meet by existing observing systems; 2. After gap analysis, identify special observing systems and special data and products, including traditional knowledge that need to be established to meet the requirements of IPY projects; 3. Identify which projects are designed to contribute to the development of observing systems that will last beyond the IPY period and work with IPY JC toward achieving this goal; 4. Work with appropriate chairs of Project Steering Committees to monitor the progress of these projects to assist in making them as fully effective as possible;

IPY Work to ensure that these different projects are linked where appropriate,so as to contribute to the development of multi and inter-disciplinary networks and approaches; 6. Ensure that space-based and in situ observing systems including those sets by polar residents and based upon indigenous monitoring systems are to their maximum potential optimized for IPY purposes, and data and products are available to modelling, including real-time application; 7. In cooperation with the Project coordinators collaborate with bodies responsible for logistic support in the polar regions (Forum of Arctic Research Operators and Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes) to ensure the success of IPY field operations; 8. Engage potential stakeholders including polar residents in the development of IPY observing systems and (or) for the provision of special IPY data and products; 9.Ensure that the IPY operational experience should be made available to the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) planning process for potential implementation.

IPY SCOBS Membership Wenjian Zhang Chair Jan Bottenheim Arni Snorasson Craig Tweedie Tatiana Vlasova David Williams Co-chair of STG Mark Drinkwater Co-chair of STG Peter Dexter Ken Jezek Mark Majodina Antonio Meloni Representative of indigenous people community (TBD) JC representatives Tillmann Mohr Eduard Sarukhanian

IPY Assessment of IPY Observing Systems Assessment covered 156 scientific projects endorsed by the JC within the domains Atmosphere, Ocean, Ice, Land, People, and Earth & Space (partially). The results of the assessment are presented in table forms for each domain and should be available at IPY website. Assessment results are very informative, in particular with respect to observational data requirements, data sources, technology/institutional gaps, data management requirements and potential legacy of observing systems planned to be established during the IPY. Regarding the requirements for satellite data, products and services, the assessment showed that they were very often not consistent and/or not always sufficiently detailed to establish an immediate dialog between the project coordinators and the Space Task Group (STG). Another attempt was undertaken (see doc.3).

IPY Background to Space Task Group Two important tasks of the SCOBS in space area are: 1) establish a dialog between IPY projects and Space Agencies; this dialog is necessary to assist IPY projects to meet (where they exist) the requirements for satellite data, products and services. 2) to develop recommendations to Space Agencies on data acquisition plans, processing, archiving, and distribution of satellite data, products and services.

IPY Background to Space Task Group (cont.) A preparatory meeting on IPY satellite activities took place in Geneva on 12 October 2006 ((participants T.Mohr, E.Sarukhanian (both IPY JC), M. Drinkwater (ESA), M.Rast (GEO Secretariat)). The meeting has been informed on results of IPY projects reaction to ESA AO and on development of GIIPSY project. The meeting discussed some elements of planned STG activities, its potential composition and content of the first session planned to be in January WMO/ICSU joint letter to Heads of Satellite agencies requesting active involvement agencies in the IPY and the nomination of representatives of satellite agencies to serve in STG was sent on 15 November Space Task Group was formed in December 2006

IPY IPY Space Task Group Membership 1. Williams David – Co-chair BNSC 2. Drinkwater Mark -Co-chair ESA 3. Zhao Licheng CMA 4. Thouvenot Eric CNES 5. Chouinard Jean-Marc CSA 6. Gottwald ManfredDLR 7. Holmlund Kenneth EUMETSAT 8. Ishida ChuJAXA 9. Martin SeelyeNASA 10. Dobson CraigNASA 11. Asmus VasiliiROSHYDROMET 12. ………………………………..

IPY IPY Space Task Group (cont) The STG is tasked with reviewing the IPY space data requirements and making data acquisition plans, processing, archiving, and distribution recommendations regarding contributions. Contributions by Space Agencies shall be consistent with each respective Agency’s own resources and capabilities – and which in total could satisfy IPY satellite data needs.

IPY Legacy of IPY observing systems Another important task of SCOBS is to establish through JC and IPO a dialog with GEOSS, WCRP, WWW, JCOMM, GCOS, GOOS, Arctic Council, ATCM, ICARPII to secure provision for the legacy of observing systems established during the IPY. The results of assessment related to potential legacy of observing systems planned to be established during the IPY are of potential use by the international Programmes and organisations

IPY Dialog with GEOSS, CBS, WCRP,etc. to secure provision for the legacy of IPY observing systems to collect the information on the real implementation of the IPY projects in the field during the 2007 “to establish a mechanism for early assessment of benefits acquired from new observations, in order to prepare for supporting the long-term reinforcement of networks in Polar Regions” (recommendation of SG of GCOS). This mechanism should consist of representatives from the main partners involved in IPY including the satellite community. to co-organize a GEO-IPY legacy workshop in 2008 with participation representatives of CBS, WCRP/CLIC, JCOMM, GCOS, GOOS, GTOS, Arctic Council, ATCM, ICARP-II and other organisations

IPY Collaboration of SCOBS and SCDPM All assessment results including summary of observational data requirements and data management requirements contained in the IPY projects has been prepared and forwarded directly to SCDPM. Joint SCOBS/SCDPM ad-hoc meeting took place in Beijing from 25 to 27 October 2006 and discussed the different aspects of the IPY Data Policy, The meeting recognized that one of the priority tasks for SCDPM should be to provide the coordinators of IPY projects with useful information on data sources, (meta)data submission templates, etc. It was decided to build an “infobase’’ that should contain: - the Data sources both IPY and non-IPY; -Templates for data and metadata; -Where data to submit to; -Outcomes of survey on data management requirements and plans carried out by SCDPM and IPO among Project Coordinators.

IPY Thank you!