Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to IT’s seminar on Visual Numerics Inc (VNI) package Sam Gordji, Weir 107
List of Statistical Packages SPSS SAS Mathematica MathWorks (Matlab) VNI (IMSL, PV-WAVE)
General Information SAS performs statistical analysis SPSS performs statistical analysis and is similar to SAS Mathematica’s main function is to perform mathematical operations including statistics MathWorks is similar to Mathematica and is available on willow and sweetgum
Statistical Package: SAS/PC (cont.) 50 copies are available for faculty use For each copy purchased, a faculty member can get a free copy (to be installed on a student PC) The cost is $100 per copy per year To obtain a copy of SAS please
List of Statistical Packages Mathematica Mathematica (free copy for faculty, staff, and students). To obtain a copy of Mathematica please visit: php?
List of Statistical Packages Matlab Matlab (available on willow and sweetgum) VNI is the parent company of JMSL, IMSL, PV- WAVE etc.
List of VNI Packages IMSL IMSL for Fortran is a comprehensive package containing Math, stat., and special functions IMSL for C++ is a comprehensive package containing Math, stat., and special functions IMSL is available only on sweetgum IMSL is a set of subroutines called by a Fortran, c or a Java program
General Information contact – your questions to To download this and other materials visit: Please fill out the performance report and leave your address so we may contact you for follow up questions
General Information This seminar covers IMSL and Fortran We’ll look at a few short IMSL examples
General Information IT staff will assist users to access these packages. We also assist users to find the proper procedure to analyze their data. If you need assistance please send an to Sam Gordji at or
Accessing Fortran on willow and on sweetgum Willow and sweetgum are Unix server housed in the data center building Willow’s operating system is Sun Solaris (Solaris 10) Willow and sweetgum are the primarily used by researchers that have large number crunching programs Limited knowledge of Unix system is needed to run Fortran and IMSL
Accessing Fortran on Willow Fortran on willow may be accessed from the network. Steps to access willow from a Windows PC: –Request a willow account from the IT Helpdesk. –Download/Install SSH Secure Shell Client from –Click “Secure Shell Client”
Accessing Fortran on Willow (Cont.) Click “Quick Connect”
Accessing Fortran on Willow (Cont.) For this workshop, everyone can login as student Fill in “Host Name” and “User Name” as above Click “Connect”
A Few Useful Unix Commands cat --- for displaying a file cd --- change directory cd 1--- to move to sub-directory 1 & so on cp --- for copying files ls --- see what files you have pwd --- find out what directory you are in rm --- remove a file pico --- a Unix editor sas --- to activate and run SAS programs To attend a Unix seminar, please contact
Running Fortran on Willow and sweetgum Willow is ready to execute Fortran jobs –cd to the numbered directory assigned to you, e.g. cd 5 –pwd to print working directory –ls to list files in working directory –To view a program, enter: cat file-name.f –To launch a SAS program, enter: f77 file-name.f
Accessing Fortran on Willow To run a Fortran job on willow or sweetgum enter: F77 my.f, where “my.f” is the name of your Fortran program To obtain an account for willow contact Helpdesk at:
Topics of the Day Creating a simple Fortran Program Running a few Fortran Program with and without IMSL (nonlin.f,eign.f, test.f, newton.f) Looking at some aspects of Fortran & IMSL Download Fortran programs form sweetgum: /usr/local/apple/examples
Running Fortran on sweetgum To create executable on sweetgum enter: f90 $F90FLAGS -o nonlin nonlin.f $LINK_F90 To run an script called "nonlin", simply enter: nonlin Please note that the executable in this case is called "nonlin"
JMSL JMSL Numerical Library is the collections of Mathematical, statistical and financial routines Combines the power of IMSL and uses Java Link below explains IMSL Libraries ( Math, Stat. and Special Functions)