Quick Intro to Geant4 Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS) G4NAMU AAPM Minneapolis 22 July 2007
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)2 What is Geant4? An All Particle Monte-Carlo Free Flexible Object-Oriented (C++) You get the source Successor of GEANT3, world-standard for HEP detector simulation. Used well beyond HEP: heavy ion physics, CP violation physics, cosmic ray physics, astrophysics, space science, shielding and medical applications.
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)3 Flexibility of Geant4 In order to meet wide variety of requirements from various application fields, a large degree of functionality and flexibility are provided. Geant4 has many types of geometrical descriptions to describe most complicated and realistic geometries –CSG, BREP and Boolean solids –Placement, replica, divided, parameterized, reflected and grouped –XML interface Everything is open to the user –Choice of physics processes/models –Choice of GUI, Visualization, persistency, histogramming technologies
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)4 Physics in Geant4 It is rather unrealistic to develop a uniform physics model to cover wide variety of particles and/or wide energy range. Much wider coverage of physics comes from mixture of theory-driven, parameterized, and empirical formulae. Thanks to polymorphism mechanism, both cross-sections and models (final state generation) can be combined in arbitrary manners into one particular process. Geant4 offers –EM processes –Hadronic processes –Polarization –Photon/lepton-hadron processes –Optical photon processes –Decay processes –Shower parameterization –Event biasing techniques –And you can plug-in more
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)5 Geant4 – Its history Dec ’94 - Project start Apr ’97 - First alpha release Jul ’98 - First beta release Dec ’98 - First Geant4 public release - version 1.0 … June 30 th, ’06 - Geant4 version 8.1 release –July 27 th, ’06 - Geant4 8.1-patch01 release Dec 15 th, ’06 - Geant4 version 8.2 release –Feb 23 rd, ’07 - Geant4 8.2-patch01 release May 11 th, ’07 - Geant4 version 8.3 release June 29 th, ’07 - Geant4 version 9.0 release <--- Current Release We currently provide two to three public releases every year. –Bimonthly beta releases are available to the registered beta-testers.
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)6 Geant4 Collaboration Collaborators also from non- member institutions, including Budker Inst. of Physics IHEP Protvino MEPHI Moscow Pittsburg University Lebedev TRIUMF J.W.Goethe Universität
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)7
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)8
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)10
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)11 Courtesy of S.Incerti (IN2P3/CNRS)
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)12 MAXI ISS Columbus AMS EUSO Bepi Colombo SWIFT LISA Smart-2 ACE INTEGRAL Astro-E2 JWSTGAIA Herschel Cassini GLAST XMM-Newton
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)13 Courtesy T. Ersmark, KTH Stockholm
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)14
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)15
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)16
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)17 Harald Paganetti GEANT4 based proton dose calculation in a clinical environment: technical aspects, strategies and challenges
July 22, 2007Intro to Geant4 - Joseph Perl (SLAC/SCCS)19 Some Recent Conferences of Interest First European Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning of the European Workgroup on MCTP –October , 2006 –Gent, Belgium –Talks Online at: The Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Simulation in Medicine –December , 2006 –Tsukuba, Japan Monte Carlo techniques in radiotherapy and verification : Third McGill International Workshop –May 28 - June 1, 2007 –McGill University, Montreal, Canada –Talks Online at:
Step by Step Installation Guides I maintain a set of step-by-step installation guides for Geant4 for standard, single-user installations in Windows, Mac or Linux. Versions available for all releases from the last two or three years up to the latest release, 9.0. The guides have been very popular. Try them out.
Latest Geant4 Tutorial The latest comprehensive Geant4 tutorial given by the SLAC team was in May The materials from this five day event provide an excellent structured course that you can pursue at your own pace. Just follow the links from the agenda page.
Presentation on Event Biasing and Variance Reduction Techniques Jane Tinslay of the SLAC Geant4 team gave a presentation at the 2007 SLAC Geant4 tutorial that constitutes the best survey to date of the various event biasing and variance reduction techniques available within Geant4. She has pointed out techniques that even many of the Geant4 developers did not know we had supported. or.pdf
SLAC Tutorial Hands-On Example 5 One of the hands-on examples from the SLAC tutorial shows you how to implement Bremsstrahlung Splitting. It is based on an experimental benchmark originally coded for Bruce Faddegon. HandsOn5/HandsOn5.htm Splitting factor = 100No splitting Scoring Geometry Uniform Bremsstrahlung Splitting