DISCLAIMER The intensive usage of PowerPoint may damage your understanding of a pedagogical relationship. DISCLAIMER The intensive usage of PowerPoint may damage your understanding of a pedagogical relationship. The colour of wires
DISCLAIMER The effects of collaborative learning may not apply to the situation you have designed. DISCLAIMER The effects of collaborative learning may not apply to the situation you have designed.
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Give them Add the video CMC has to be like F2F2 Scenario 1
Explanation Abstraction Grounding Argumentation Mutual Regulation Mutuality Structuration Regulation WYSIWIS Awareness Semi-structured interfaces Persistency Reflectivity Contextuality COMPUTER SUPPORTED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING 21
Scenario "ArgueGraph" Phase1
Phase 2 Scenario "ArgueGraph"
Phase 3 Scenario "ArgueGraph"
Design choices Immediate FB Delayed FB Microworld FB Theories Behavioursim Constructivism Metacognition Phase 4 Scenario "ArgueGraph"
ArgueGraph Data (Exp.3) Reformulation Justification Solo57 % 43 % Duo15 % 85 %
AcceptCondition Discard No Conflict28 13 Conflict "We answer 3 because motivation is important" "We answer 3 because motivation is important" "We choose 3 because 2 does not work" "We choose 3 because 2 does not work" ArgueGraph Data (Exp.3) "We answer 2 if the learner is a child but we answer 3 for adult learners" "We answer 2 if the learner is a child but we answer 3 for adult learners"
NewUnion Victory No Conflict Conflict X 2 =6.2, p<.05) ArgueGraph Data (Exp.3) Arg(AB) <> Arg(A) & Arg(AB) <> Arg(B) Arg(AB) <> Arg(A) & Arg(AB) <> Arg(B) Arg(AB) =Arg(A) or Arg(AB) =Arg(B ) Arg(AB) =Arg(A) or Arg(AB) =Arg(B ) Arg(AB)=Arg(A) U Arg(B )
New version of ArgueGraph
What's the problem with exp 4 ? pseudo-task debriefing Coffee-break 1 week Exp 1-3 Exp 4 pseudo-task
Part 1: So what? Collaboration has to be structured. –Web environments provide the structure by making a scenario (phases & roles) concrete. –Scenario are hard to generalize ergonomics, timing, didactic contract, … –Integrate communication in the task. Collaboration has to be regulated (…)
Tools for distance education Tools for distance activities in hybrid teaching Tools for supporting presential activities with computer-activities Tools for supporting face-to- face interactions
Part 2: The more F2F-like is not necessarily the better ! Phillips B., Should we take Turns ?, CHI2000
Phillips B., Should we take Turns ?, CHI2000
The more F2F-like is not necessarily the better ! Phillips B., Should we take Turns ?, CHI2000
Restaurant Kitchen Private Bar Room5Room6Room7Room8 Room1Room2Room3Room4 Lobby Entrance Auberge du Bout de Nappe MLV Lisa Jones Claire & Rolf Loretan Colonel Von Schneider Lucie SalèveHeidi Zeller Hans Wenger Marie Salève Oscar Salève Jacques Salève Giuzeppe Vesuvio Ski jacket Gun Painting Ski jacket Insurance Note Gun Oylster PhoneLog Registry WHO KILLED MONA-LISA?
> " Hi colleague > ' Where are you? > ask MS about last night > look gun > ask MS about last gun > read insurance > read all from DN2 > read Hans from DN2 > compare DN1 with DN2 > " skjhkjh dfsdfsf > ask Helmut about last night > ask MS about mona > look painting > read all from DN1 > read Hans from DN1 > compare DN1 with DN1 MOO Whiteboard MOO Whiteboard
Low acknowledgers: 0.9 High acknowledgers: 0.9 Index of complexity Bootnap experiments, Dillenbourg & Traum, 1997
Interwoven Turns 88.5r1Hpage sherlock but what about the gun? 88.8PrivS'Hercule which motive jealousy? He would have killed hans no? 89.3PrivS'Hercule he stole it when the colonel was in the bar 90.3r1Hpage sherlock Giuzeppe wanted to avoid that one discovers that the painting was fake. HSSH turns (from Pair 11, translated ) 43.5BarHWhy does Heidi have a motive ? 43.6BarSHow do you propose we should go further? 43.9BarHShould we merge our note books? 44.1BarSShe said that she didn't like her (and Hans) HSHS turns (from Pair 12 )
PersistentNon-Persistent Persistent Non Persistent Display Knowledge MOO dialogues Whiteboard
Persistency Contexuality Reflexivity CMC is a different system from F2F
Acknowledgment Delay: Acknowledgment Rate: 39 sec 50% 59 sec. 34 % Virtual places modify communication patterns
Places create a shared context He lies!
Proximity creates a shared context
Persistency Contexuality Reflexivity CMC is a different system from F2F E. Churchill et al, FX Palo Alto Lab
Persistency Contexuality Reflexivity CMC is a different system from F2F ArgueGraph
Persistency Contexuality Reflexivity CMC is a different system from F2F Lehtinen et al. (1999)
Persistency Contexuality Reflexivity CMC is a different system from F2F R. Rodenstein & J. Donath, MIT Media Lab
Persistency Contexuality Reflexivity CMC is a different system from F2F Patrick Jermann (TECFA/LRDC)
Cotemporality (messages received at the same time as sent). Simultaneity (can both parties send messages at the same time or do they have to take turns) Sequentiality (can the turns get out of sequence). Reviewability (can they review messages, after they have been first received). Reviseability (can the producer edit the message privately before sending Co-presence (can see the same things). Visibility (can see each other). Audibility (can hear each other) Clark & Brennan (1991) Persistency (how long it remains displayed). Reflexivity (representing interactions). Contextuality (keep the context with the message) Distributed Cognitive System Media features
Persistency Reflexivity Contextuality Tool features Group memory Group regulation Group understanding Distributed Cognitive System The CMC tools are parts of the distributed cognitive system
News CSCL Book Series (Kluwer) Euro-CSCL Conference: Maastricht, NL, March 2001 deadline: October 15th Geneva Interaction Lab