Lecture 41 CSE 331 Dec 10, 2010
HW 10 due today Q1 in one pile and Q 3+4 in another I will not take any HW after 1:15pm
Finals 3:35-6:05pm KNOX 104 Tue, Dec 14 Blog post on the finals up
On Friday, Dec 10 hours-a-thon Atri: 2:00-3:30 (Bell 123) Jeff: 4:00-5:00 (Bell 224) Alex: 5:00-6:30 (Bell 242)
Reminder Please fill in the feedback forms from the Engineering school
New Grading policy Step 1: Compute grade cut-offs using existing scheme (25% mid term+ 40% finals) Step 2: If 65% finals leads to a better grade for you, I’ll go with the new option
High level view of CSE 331 Problem Statement Algorithm Problem Definition “Implementation” Analysis Correctness+Runtime Analysis Data Structures Three general techniques
If you are curious for more CSE431: Algorithms CSE 396: Theory of Computation
Another course of interest (S 11) CSE 443: Compilers Pre-req: 396 Offered infrequently!
HW 10 due today Q1 in one pile and Q 2+3 in another I will not take any HW after 1:15pm
Now relax…
12 Coding Theory
13 The setup C(x) x y = C(x)+error x Give up Mapping C Error-correcting code or just code Encoding: x C(x) Decoding: y X C(x) is a codeword
14 Different Channels and Codes Internet – Checksum used in multiple layers of TCP/IP stack Cell phones Satellite broadcast – TV Deep space telecommunications – Mars Rover
15 “Unusual” Channels Data Storage – CDs and DVDs – RAID – ECC memory Paper bar codes – UPS (MaxiCode) Codes are all around us
16 Redundancy vs. Error-correction Repetition code: Repeat every bit say 100 times – Good error correcting properties – Too much redundancy Parity code: Add a parity bit – Minimum amount of redundancy – Bad error correcting properties Two errors go completely undetected Neither of these codes are satisfactory
17 Two main challenges in coding theory Problem with parity example – Messages mapped to codewords which do not differ in many places Need to pick a lot of codewords that differ a lot from each other Efficient decoding – Naive algorithm: check received word with all codewords
18 The fundamental tradeoff Correct as many errors as possible with as little redundancy as possible Can one achieve the “optimal” tradeoff with efficient encoding and decoding ?
Interested in more? CSE 545, Spring 2011
20 Datastream Algorithms Single pass over the inputPoly-log “scratch” space
21 Data Streams (another application) Databases are huge – Fully reside in disk memory Main memory – Fast, not much of it Disk memory – Slow, lots of it – Random access is expensive – Sequential scan is reasonably cheap Main memory Disk Memory
22 Data Streams (another application) Given a restriction on number of random accesses to disk memory How much main memory is required ? For computations such as join of tables Main memory Disk memory
Group Testing Overview Test soldier for a disease WWII example: syphillis
Group Testing Overview Test an army for a disease WWII example: syphillis What if only one soldier has the disease? Can pool blood samples and check if at least one soldier has the disease
Whatever your impression of the 331 IT WAS
Hopefully it was fun!