1 Workshop on a European Masters in Official Statistics Natalie Shlomo University of Southampton
2 Topics Covered Welcome Workshop Agenda Aims and Objectives of Workshop Expected Outcomes
3 Welcome Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI) and the Programme Committee for the Workshop on the European Masters in Official Statistics welcomes all workshop participants from over 20 European countries
4 Welcome University of Southampton, S3RI is one of the world’s leading centres of research in official statistics: Ongoing research activities with the ONS and other European NSIs Input to a large number of European 5 th and 7 th framework programmes, and many other grants through research councils Participation on Methodology Advisory Committees, European task forces High quality academic programmes of study: - Courses in Applied Social Surveys (CASS) - Royal Statistical Society’s Distance Learning programme - Training for European Statisticians (TES) in the past
5 Welcome The Social Statistics Division in collaboration with the ONS offers post-graduate degree programmes in Official Statistics for statisticians working in the UK Government Statistical Service and NSIs abroad Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip) MSc Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
6 Day 1: University training programmes in Official Statistics: Current practice and future ambitions Lunch NSI training needs and experiences of cooperation with Academia Coffee Break Welcome address: Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof. Debra Humphris, University of Southampton Panel discussion on mutual objectives Close Gala Dinner – 7:30 The Blue Room, University of Southampton Workshop Agenda
7 Day 2: Framework for the European Statistical System: Competence Profile for staff supporting the ESS Results from online survey Satellite breakout work sessions: Work session I - Framework and organizational structure Work session II - Course topics and contents Work session III - Best practices and amalgamation from existing training programmes Coffee Break Satellite breakout work sessions (cont.) Lunch Workshop Agenda
8 Day 2 (cont.): Presentations and discussion from breakout work sessions Final discussion on recommendations and moving forward Wrap up and report from the rapporteur Close Workshop Agenda
9 Mission of Eurostat is to provide the EU with high-quality statistical information Statistical information obtained through NSIs, European Banks and other organizations carrying out large scale statistical research With the current economic environment, organizations face increasing requirements, decreasing budgets and shrinking resources Need to ensure that staff obtain up-to-date high-level training in methodological developments in official statistics to meet future challenges of the ESS Aims and Objectives of Workshop
10 The underlying theme is to build partnerships between European Academic Institutions and NSIs as prescribed through the paradigm of the “knowledge triangle” linking research, education and innovation as key elements for a knowledge-based society European higher education institutions should play a pivoting role in these interactions through knowledge transfer, dissemination and direct partnerships for research Aims and Objectives
11 Standard University curriculum in statistics and social sciences do not prepare statisticians and researchers working in official statistics Topics covering: sampling and estimation, non-response compensation, data collection and processing, analysis of complex survey data, are generally not covered in standard academic degree programmes, rather are taught on an ad-hoc basis usually ‘in-house’ within an institution Formal graduate and post-graduate training in official statistics is severely lacking At NTTS 2009, a meeting was held concerning cooperation between European Academic Institutions and developing a harmonized training programme in official statistics Aims and Objectives
12 The Bologna Declaration for Higher Education provides the background for collaboration by making academic degree and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe A common transferable credit scheme (ECTS) can form the basis for Universities to collaborate and allow students to study at different Universities This would provide students with more access to experts in specific fields and would enhance students’ experiences Nevertheless, the logistics of a future collaborative programme with respect to which University provides the accreditation, registration and enrolment, etc. would have to be addressed Aims and Objectives
13 Fundamental objectives: Identify different stakeholders and their interests and the feasibility of collaborations between Universities and NSIs Discuss the needs for staff training in official statistics at NSIs and programmes of study that can be offered at Universities to meet these needs Build partnerships between European Universities to provide solutions on training in official statistics Build partnerships between NSIs to standardize training needs Build collaborations and interactions between Universities and NSIs through knowledge transfer, dissemination, training and research programmes Formulate an action plan and put together proposals for the creation of post graduate training programmes in official statistics including a European masters degree Aims and Objectives
14 Themes to be discussed: Dissemination and promotion of European official statistics culture Training opportunities for staff working in official statistics in areas of: sample design and estimation, demographic methods, data analysis, statistical computing, micro and macro economics (including a sound review of statistical theory) Enhance cooperation with Universities that could provide solutions for official statistics training and develop a common platform for exchange of students and trainees Develop common teaching material and curricula Organizational structure of the programme, eg. full or part time, short- fat vs. long-thin courses, allocation of ECTS points across taught component and dissertation component, and MORE Expected Outcomes
15 An online survey targeted to both NSI and Academia was developed Survey aims to gather information on: Training practices and needs of NSI for training in official statistics Expected levels of achievement within the NSI Variability of training programmes across NSIs Training programmes offered at Academic Institutions Collaborations with the NSI (delivery of courses, PhD students) Expectations for a European programme of study in official statistics Results of online survey presented on Friday session Deliverables
16 Collating and editing all supporting documentation including: Presentations at the workshop Results from breakout work sessions Summary of discussions at the workshop Specific country documentation from NSIs and Academic Institutions uploaded onto the website Results from online survey Results from evaluation feedback forms and lessons learnt Action plan formulated at the workshop All documentation will be uploaded onto the website Deliverables
17 Draft final report of conclusions and recommendations from all supporting documentation and the workshop The report will discuss the interests of different stakeholders and define potential steps and an action plan for the creation of collaborative degree programmes in official statistics Deliverables
18 The University of Southampton is keen to share experiences with other European Universities and NSIs and take the lead in developing an action plan for organizing a European masters in official statistics With the current economic environment and new challenges facing official statistics, it is crucial to ensure that statisticians working within NSIs and other research institutions conducting statistical research, receive the most up-to-date and relevant training in official statistics at the post-graduate level Knowledge transfer, dissemination and cooperation between academia and government are the key drivers to ensure the future of official statistics in a knowledge-based society Summary Enjoy the workshop!