1 Saturday, November 22, 2008 ToolMap - ‘SION’ Method : a new framework for digital geological mapping L. Schreiber, P. Ornstein, M.Sartori, A. Kühni 1
2 Introduction 2 Field acquisition (3D) Geological Mapping (2D) ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Global Framework WORKFLOW
3 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Spatial Data Modelling 3 Extracting semantic content Structural features Bedrock formation Superficial deposits Implementing layers for semantic content
4 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Spatial Data Modelling 4 Spatial types of geological features Structural features LINES Bedrock formation SURFACE Superficial deposits SURFACE Defining layers spatial type
5 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Model definition : done 5 Model definition stored into database Implementation Digital map data model
6 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Drawing: complex features 6 ProblemsSolutions (1) Two surfaces are sharing an identical border (2) Same geometrie has different geological meanings (1) Construct polygons from lines (2) Allow multiples values for one single lines segment.
7 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Drawing: simple features 7 Points are draw “as is” Points Geological meaning is assigned
8 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap “Construction layers” 8 Enhance map accuracy by combining other geo-spatial datasets (DEM, reference layers, etc.) Notes (PT) Frame (L) Points (PT) Labels (PT) Lines (L)
9 ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Validating and export 9 GOAL Validation Queries are used for : Export
10 Conclusion 10 Field acquisition (3D) Geological Mapping (2D) ‘SION’ MethodToolMap Global Framework ✓ New integrated framework, “all-in-one” ✓ GA 25 Data Model fully compliant ✓ Scalable, suitable for different complexity : - Complex maps. - Very simple maps (Risk maps).
11 More ToolMap informations 11 Roadmap of ToolMap : Realase candidate 1
12 ✓ Open source / Free ✓ Fast (C++) ✓ Multi-platform, works natively on (Windows, Mac, Linux) ✓ Based on powerful and well-known open source technologies : - Robust and flexible data storage : - Multi-platform User interface : - Loading Common GIS data : - Vector topology : More ToolMap informations 12
13 Questions ? 13 Thank you for your attention (work in progress)