Brooke McDowell and Yeshim Iqbal
Two Core Systems of Numbers Parallel individuation Precisely keeping track of discrete objects “Cracker Study” (Feigenson, Carey, and Hauser 2002) Limited to small numbers of crackers Analog magnitude Keeping track of approximations Spelke and Xu (2000) habituation paradigm Ratio identification in infants Feigenson, L., Dehaene, S. and Spelke, E. (2004). Core Systems of Numbers. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 8 (7),
Huang, Spelke and Snedeker (2010) What is a knower-level? Diagnosis of Knower-Level Two-Knower Three-Knower Four-Knower / CP-Knower Training based on Knower-Level Teach Two-Knowers Three Teach Three-Knowers Four No work done with Four-Knowers / CP-Knowers Results: Two-knowers learned three with familiar animals while three-knowers learned four with novel animals and objects
-“Teaching Three/Four” – Can we duplicate the findings of Huang, Spelke and Snedeker (2010)? - “Teaching Ten” - Can we teach CP-knowers to identify an approximation of the number ten?
Subjects: LDS Database 3- and 4-year olds Four Portions “Counting Game” - Numeric elicitation -“Give-N” Task “Guessing Game” - Ratios: 3 vs 10, 5 vs 10, 7 vs 10, 15 vs 10, 20 vs 10, 30 vs 10 - Criteria: passing 5/6 or 6/6 in two consecutive practice rounds - Previous Experiment (One Practice Round) Demonstration and Video Clip
Improvement: Extrapolation to novel animals Set size is small (n=7) 10 more kids ideal Purpose of the experiment and variability in texting conditions
Conclusion Unable to learn 10 Extension of the experiment – more thorough training
Conclusion Failure Multiple Causes
Conclusion Failure Other factors contributing to failure?
Le Corre and Carey (2010) “Fast Cards” for 4 year olds “Mapper” vs. “Non-Mapper” Graphs Link Between “Mapper” and Success in “Teaching Ten”?
Comparison of TT2 pass/failure to “mapper ability” Results: MappersNon-Mappers 4/5 2/53/5 2/5
There is no link between mapping ability and “Teaching Ten” success rate Implications?
Personalizing study to fit a child’s attention span Additional ways to reinforce teaching ten?