Capoeira! by: Wesley “Leão” Riggs
What is Capoeira? African-Brazilian Art Form African-Brazilian Martial Art Music, dancing, and fighting A game played mostly with feet Capoeira is played In a roda (circle)
The history of Capoeira Africa is where a majority of the elements were inherited from Was developed by slaves and brought to Brazil Between the years of Capoeira was illegal in Brazil
Movements of Capoeira Composed of many different movements Attacks - such as a "benção“ (straight kick) Defenses – such as a "cocorinho“ (squat) Acrobatics- Flips, handstands, And cartwheels
Music of Capoeira Music controls the game The rhythm of the music dictates the speed and energy The berimbau is the main instrument Singing is also important
The clothes of Capoeira Uniforms are important for training They depend on the preferences of the academy Generally, the clothes are white Uniforms include pants and a shirt, one with an Academy logo
End The man in the middle is my mestre (master). I’m on the right!