English 102 Spring 2007 Dr. Katherine Heenan
Course Overview English 102 is designed to help students develop sophisticated, situation-sensitive reading and writing strategies. Special attention is given to evidence discovery, claim support, argument response, and their applications to academic debate, public decision making, and written argument.
Course Objectives using a variety of argumentative strategies to write for a variety of audiences; expressing a working knowledge of key rhetorical features, such as audience, situation, and the use of appropriate argument strategies; using conventions of format, structure, and language appropriate to the purpose of the written texts; developing and supporting an argument that is convincing to a particular audience;
Course Objectives engaging in a variety of research methods to study and explore the topics, including fieldwork as well as library and Internet research; pursuing an issue across projects in order to understand the complexity of the issue; writing and revising drafts and integrating feedback into their writing; responding to audiences by revising work based upon feedback (peer response, teacher conferences) from others;
Course Objectives employing a variety of organizational tactics; analyzing what audiences' expectations about conventions are and addressing them in critical ways; and understanding the ways that information tech- nologies aid and change writing conventions
Attendance Policy is non-negotiable All absences count equally Miss more than 4 classes--either on-line for face to face and fail the course
Grading Plus/minus system Participation worth up to 4 points for each class meeting 10% Hybrid and in-class activities worth up to 4 points 15% Four major projects 15%, 20%, 30% and 10%
Classroom Protocol no off-task use of your computer (e.g., no personal e- mail, Web surfing, or other computer based activities that are not specifically course related) computer monitors are to be turned off during class discussions, lectures, and announcements or when otherwise directed do not print files during class time unless otherwise directed personal communication devices (cell phones, beepers, and other devices) must be turned off for the entire class period.
Projects Origin and history of a public issue What’s at stake for interested parties What to do about the issue Reflection
Writing Sample Prompt #1: For those who familiar with rhetoric 1.What do you know about rhetoric? 2.Where did you learn about it? 3.How do you define it? In what way do you use it (or not)? Successful or not? 4.Did you choose a hybrid course? If so, why? If not, do you think such a class will work for you? 5.What do you expect to get out of this class?
Writing Sample Prompt #2: For those who are not familiar with rhetoric, please respond to the following: 1.What kind of experience have you had with writing? 2.What do you think/feel about that experience? 3.How have you used your skills in writing outside the classroom? Successful or not? 4.Did you choose a hybrid course? If so, why? If not, do you think such a class will work for you? 5.What do you expect to get out of this class?