Haley’s Used Outdoor Equipment
Investor Information The money that is made from reselling the outdoors equipment would be reinvested into getting more used outdoors equipment. Not only does that money go to maintaining the selling of used outdoor equipment but also to charities and foundations that support keeping the environment clean
Backpacks We sell North Face, Kelty Marmot and many more good quality used backpacks.
Stoves! We have camping stoves for all your needs from big to small!
Hiking Boots We have a wide range of hiking boots, we have boots for men women and children! Children:Men: Women:
Gear We also have gear to keep you warm on your next big adventure!
Where in the world are we?! Here is an easy map to help guide you: See the tree!
Our Website Find out more information on our website!
Please Contact for Further Information: Haley Turnbow - Store Hours are 8-6 pm Monday- Friday Link to Website-