What is RFID RFID: Radio Frequency Identification is about the size of a grain of sand and sends out a small radio signal. Originally designed to keep track of inventory and then later adopted to keep track of cats and dogs
About 50 RFID chips
Why all the hype Can’t lose keys or ID tags Don’t have to worry about physically losing an ID Cheaper then printing a new ID card Hands free entrance
Privacy by StikyPad...we shouldn't condone forced 'tagging' of humans. It's the ultimate invasion of privacy. Really? The wireless equivalent of a bar code is the ultimate invasion of privacy? Not, say, ECHELON, or warrantless phone tapping, or a city filled with cameras? It's an RFID chip? Interesting. And all this time I thought the ultimate invasion of privacy would look more like a helmet cam by This_Is_My_Happening In a free-market capitalist society, no one has a 'right' to a job that they want. If the working conditions in one field are unacceptable, you must find a new field or lower your standards.
What do you thing Support RFID on every one and become track able inventory Don’t support RFID and have the Government inject their chips into new borns