Finding papers using electronic resources
Electronic resources Retrieving books and articles Finding references How to search Some relevant journals Citing resources See slides at end for screen shots
Retrieving books and articles Rosenthal library – –Also: Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad); advice; and much more CUNY+ – Electronic journals – click “Find E- journals” in QuickLinks menu Off campus: complete access to electronic resources with GOTO QC: Save documents on desktop and them to yourself
Finding references Databases and full-text resources, like LLBA and ERIC – atabases.php atabases.php Google – The author’s website (use regular google)
How to search AND, OR, NOT Evaluating the results –Well-known author? –Peer-reviewed journal? (go to journal’s webpage) –Many citations (e.g., on google scholar)? Availability: –In library? On-line? –Pay-per-view or pay-per-print
Example: LLBA Find the databases and click on “Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts” Click the tab “Advanced Search” Enter search terms –Select AND, OR, NOT –Select Keyword, Author, Publication Year, … –Select Date range –Etc. Use “Find it” button Select records and print, save or them
Some relevant journals Applied Linguistics English for Specific Purposes Journal of Child Language Language Learning Language Teaching Language Teaching Research Second Language Research Studies in Second Language Acquisition TESOL Quarterly The Canadian Modern Language Review The Modern Language Journal If you’re not sure if a journal is good, check with me. Make sure the journals you cite are peer-reviewed.
Citing resources Reference list and in-text citations APA style –APA style manual, 5 th edition – MLA style –MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (6 th edition) – Citing electronic resources –
Screen shots
Remote access Use GOTO QC to get remote access to: –The library catalog –LLBA Database –E-journals –“Find it” feature GOTO QC: (follow the instructions on that website) Google scholar and OWL are freely accessible
QC/CUNY Catalog
LLBA Database
Google scholar
LLBA Database: How to search
Use “Find it” to get access to the paper (or see if the library has it)
Interlibrary loan
Scroll down for more information APA Reference Style