Boyd K. Packer Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Ordained Apostle L. Tom Perry Ordained Apostle
Russell M. Nelson Ordained Apostle Dallin H. Oaks Ordained Apostle
M. Russell Ballard Ordained Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin Ordained Apostle
Richard G. Scott Ordained Apostle Robert D. Hales Ordained Apostle
Jeffrey R. Holland Ordained Apostle Henry B. Eyring Ordained Apostle
Dieter F. Uchtdorf Ordained Apostle David A. Bednar Ordained Apostle
Thomas S. Monson First Counselor in First Presidency Ordained Apostle – 1963 Called to First Presidency – 1985 Called as First Counselor James E. Faust Second Counselor in First Presidency Ordained Apostle – 1978 Called to First Presidency as Second Counselor
President The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Ordained Apostle – 1961 Called to First Presidency – 1981 Called as President