ASPA/MICAP Conference September 30, 2011 R. Kleine 9/20111
Business Activities Tax Corporate Income Tax Single Business Tax Michigan Business Tax Corporate Income Tax ? R. Kleine 9/20112
Stable- largest decline was 14% (1981) Treats labor and capital equally Does not discriminate based on type of organization Provides good measure of benefits received by business from public services Low rate minimizes interference with business decisions R. Kleine 9/20113
Complicated Unique in U.S. Tax on compensation not understood Subtractive method of calculation would have likely reduced criticism R. Kleine 9/20114
Favorable treatment for small business (gross receipts $20 million or less)-1.8% of business income Stable (profits 30%, gross receipts 70%) R. Kleine 9/20116
Complicated- too many credits Higher rates than SBT- 6% on business income compared with 1.9% for SBT Surcharge very unpopular R. Kleine 9/20117
Widely used Business only pays when profitable R. Kleine 9/20118
Unstable- down 34% in period Favors labor over capital Discriminates based on form of organization Penalizes efficiency Subject to manipulation- voluntary tax Rate more easily increased than SBT or MBT 95,000 fewer businesses pay than under SBT and MBT-41,000 now pay R. Kleine 9/20119
6% Corporate income tax$778 million 3.5% Business income tax$780 million 2.5% BI tax plus 0.1% gross rec. tax $830 million 6% Business income tax$1,.4 billion 4% BI tax plus 0.1% gross receipts tax $1.2 billion Eliminate or phase out gross receipts tax leaving 6% BI tax R. Kleine 9/201110
Business tax cuts offset by tax increases on individuals and families and spending cuts Most of tax relief goes to non-mobile retail and service businesses- only 18% to manufacturers Business taxes much lower than in 1990s Business taxes are only 5% of state GDP and tax cut amounts to only 0.5% of GDP 11R. Kleine 9/2011
Services- $575 million Prof.& Tech services- $181 million Manufacturing- $279 million Retail Trade- $153 million Wholesale trade- $139 million Real Estate- $110 Million Construction- $90 million Finance & Ins.- $75 million Other- $112 million 12R. Kleine 9/2011
14 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Corporate Profits Up Sharply in Last Three Years 2011 Q2: $1,934
Robert J. Kleine Great Lakes Economic Consulting 9/2011 R. Kleine 9/201116