Dynamic changes of somatosensory evoked potentials in rats and humans during wake-sleep states Institute of Cognitive Science, National Cheng Kung University 國立成功大學 認知科學所 蕭富仁 (Fu-Zen Shaw)
Biological rhythm Rhythms are ubiquitous in the mammalian CNS. They also span a broad range of frequencies, from 100 Hz EEG to once per year ( Hz) for many seasonal behaviors. They also influence the physiological states (respiratory and cardiac rhythms). The earth is a rhythmic environment. Brains have evolved a variety of systems for rhythmic control. (e.g., waking and sleep, cardiac rhythm, breathing cycle)
Brain rhythms Alpha rhythm (8-13 Hz) appears at the occipital cortex when eyes close. [resting condition] {rolandic mu rhythm; temporal tau rhythm} Beta rhythm (13-30 Hz) is associated with alertness. Gamma rhythm (30-80 Hz) is related to sensory integration and feature binding. Theta rhythm (4-8 or 4-10 Hz) Delta rhythm (0.5-4 or 1-4 Hz) Sleep spindle (12-15 Hz or 7-15 Hz) {sigma rhythm} K complex (<0.5 Hz) {(very) slow oscillation}
Brain activities with eye-open and eye-close states
清醒 - 睡眠之腦電波特性 (ultradian rhythm)
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Somatosensory pathway & Somatotopography
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Binding problem & winner-take-all strategy
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Changes of cortical somatosensory evoked potentials using medial nerve stimulation during wake-sleep states
+ - P1 N1 1 2 *P <.05 vs S2; #P <.05 vs SWS; +P <.05 vs REM by Student-Newman-Keuls test.
Theta wave analysis
SEP changes in sleep spindles
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Acknowledgement National Cheng Kung University S.-F. Liang ( 梁勝富 ) National Taiwan University C.-T. Yen ( 嚴震東 ) Graduate Students J.-H. Chew ( 周佳禾 ) S.-Y. Lee ( 李姝瑩 ) T.-Y. Chuang ( 莊子宜 )