Consenting to receiving your W-2 online and foregoing a printed W-2
Nearly 99 million individuals filed their federal income tax returns electronically during 2010, a 3% increase. Of the million returns filed so far this year, almost 70% were filed electronically. Total Returns - 141,536,000 e-Filed Returns – 98,740,000 Percent e-Filed 69.76% “IRS e-file is no longer the exception; now it is the norm.” Source: IR , Nov. 10, 2010
How are we going to get the message out? HR Connections & Business Connections Meetings.
How are we going to get the message out? HR Connections & Business Connections Meetings. Flyer
How are we going to get the message out? HR Connections & Business Connections Meetings. Flyer Portal Message
Now is the time to “Consent to Online” … Your 2010 Form W-2 You have not yet consented to receiving your Form W-2 online so you will be receiving a printed form - but there’s still time! While you’re here, why not go ahead & consent? By consenting to an online W-2 in Employee Self Service (ESS) & forgoing a paper one, you’ll be saving yourself time & protecting your identity. It’s likely (70%, per IRS) you’ll file your tax return electronically, so apply that same logic to get your W-2 electronically. It’s easy. Go to the W-2/W-2C consent form page in ESS through the menu or this link. [ Link] Check the box “I agree to NOT receive a paper W-2 (or W-2C) form from University Payroll.” Confirm your identity by entering the last 4 digits of your social security number (SSN). REMEMBER: You are behind firewalls. It’s convenient & quick. Your 2010 form will be posted online by January 10 th & we’ll notify you via your preferred address the day it’s available. Paper W-2s will be sent to departments for distribution on January 25 th. Departments must distribute them by January 31 st. It’s safe. There is one less printed document with your SSN on it. If you really need a paper copy of your W-2, you have the option of printing it. Deadline for going paperless for 2010 is January 4, Questions? Call University Payroll at
Accessing the W-2/W-2C Consent panel in the new portal by following “bread crumbs” beneath the banner: Main Menu Employee Self Service Payroll & Compensation W-2/W-2C Consent
This panel asking you to authenticate your request by entering the last four of your social security number in the Authentication box.