Welcome to SCALE
Project SCALE: Speech Communication with Adaptive Learning Funds 12 PhD positions 2 Post docs
Special welcome to the PhD and Post Doc Fellows PhD students: Cassia Valentini Serena Soldo Heyun Huang Mauro Nicolao Mahaboob Ali Basha Shaik Liang Lu Afsaneh Asaei Zoltan Tüske Davide Marino Sun Yang Post Doc: Arnab Ghoshal
Research Theme 1.Bridging the Gap between Recognition and Synthesis (RS) 2.Bridging the Gap between ASR and HSR (AHSR) 3.Bridging the Gap between Signal Processing and Learning (SPL)
Key elements of the program Secondment at a second partner institution Two Workshops/Schools per year
Thanks to John McDonough Friedrich Faubel Arnab Ghoshal Diana Schreyer Dietmar Kuhn Hanne Kosinowski Antonia Scheidel for all the work you spent on organizing the workshop