RPC project status Pigi Paolucci
RPC project news P. Paolucci is the new project manager for 2011/2012 We are working on the 2011/2012 organization of the RPC project: – New organization chart all the chairman/coordinator positions assigned + deputies to assure a “standard” rotation – New DPG structure: Strong connection with Muon POG and DPG Introducing a detector and trigger analysis task (DPG) with presentations in the Muon DPG Common Muon tasks are welcome – Consolidation workshop (2-3 December) to discuss how to improve our system and the list of tasks and experts for the next 2 years of data taking Conclusions, action item and task/manpower request at the next MB meeting 7/12/102Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci
Consolidation Workshop Goals 7/12/10Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci3 Discuss and Identify: – “week parts” of the system – tasks/services needed – core group of people at CERN Discuss and organize: – how to consolidate our system (from the hardware to the data analysis) – how to cover all the tasks/services needed – support the core group and all the experts 2011/2012 Organization chart 2011 Financial budget commitment 2012 Financial budget plan
Project Manager P. Paolucci deputy/deputy Run Coordinator L. Benussi deputy Run Coordinator L. Benussi deputy DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowski DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowski Tech. Coordinator S. Buontempo A. Dimotrov Tech. Coordinator S. Buontempo A. Dimotrov Istitution Board chairman Resource manager P. Paolucci Steering committee chairman Conference Committee chairman Conference Committee chairman Editorial board chairman Editorial board chairman 7/12/104Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci Upgrade Resp. deputy Upgrade Resp. deputy
Project Manager (P. Paolucci) deputy/deputy Run Coordinator G. Pugliese deputy Run Coordinator G. Pugliese deputy DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowski DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowski Tech. Coordinator S. Buontempo deputy Tech. Coordinator S. Buontempo deputy Physic Valid Tool Resp. Physic Valid Tool Resp. CAF Resp. CAF Resp. P5 Resp. P5 Resp. Maint & repar Resp. Maint & repar Resp. Offline D. Piccolo Offline D. Piccolo Online K. Bunkowski Online K. Bunkowski Detector & trigger analysis C. Carillo Detector & trigger analysis C. Carillo Resource manager (P. Paolucci) Steering committee Elect. Coord. Paolucci Elect. Coord. Paolucci Gas Resp. Gas Resp. Upgrade Resp. Upgrade Resp. …………. Resp. …………. Resp. new 7/12/105Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci
DPG (D. Piccolo) K. Bunkowski DPG (D. Piccolo) K. Bunkowski Run Coordinator (G. Pugliese) deputy Run Coordinator (G. Pugliese) deputy SoftwareValidation/ Data Certification J. Gho SoftwareValidation/ Data Certification J. Gho Detector perfomance Calabria Detector perfomance Calabria Online K. Bunkowski Online K. Bunkowski Offline Piccolo Offline Piccolo Detector & trigger analysis Resp. Detector & trigger analysis Resp. Phys Valid Tool Resp. Phys Valid Tool Resp. Trigger perfomance Resp. Trigger perfomance Resp. Calibration Streams Maggi Calibration Streams Maggi WBM Berzano WBM Berzano Run Quality Korea Run Quality Korea Noise tools Costantini DQM Cimmino DQM Cimmino Skims Tupputi Skims Tupputi Upgrade Simulation Simulation Pavlov Local Reco C. Carrillo Local Reco C. Carrillo DataBase Trigger DB M Szlepper Trigger DB M Szlepper Configuration K. Bunkowski PVSS Detector DB Manpower needed Not covered Covered 7/12/106Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci
Not covered task We are carefully look at the not covered tasks in the project putting them in a priority list. Ask the RPC Institution: – to give a list of people at CERN – to contribute to the data taking – send manpower and experts at CERN – Cover all the empty boxes At the end the not covered task list will be send to the CMS MB to ask for new institutions and help 7/12/10Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci7
RPC Efficiency vs time Endcap HV increased from 9.4 kV to 9.55 kV 9.4 kV 9.5 kV9.55 kV Barrel HV increased from 9.3 kV to 9.35 kV 9.3 kV9.35 kV
Endcap Muongraphy
Task Force – Action Items Two Task Force: Run quality criteria (M. Maggi, D. Piccolo, A. Cimmino, Taejong) Endcap efficiency studies (D. Piccolo, C. Carrillo, C. Calabria, A. Colaleo, G. Pugliese) Goals definition at the first DPG meeting in Jan. Be-weekly Report at PDG Deadline (report) for March CMS week 7/12/10Muon IB - Pigi Paolucci10