S M F i n a l Y e a r P r o j e c t I Revised Proposal by Leung Sze-chuen, Kirque Under the Advisement of Dr. Lai Chiu-han, Linda Dr. Héctor Rodríguez
What’s new? / Scholarly Thesis + Extended Narrative Theory and Practice Research-based Project / Research Focus Spatial Model in New Media Arts Ergodicity
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Ergodicity “An attribute of stochastic systems; generally, a system that tends in probability to a limiting form that is independent of the initial conditions.” WordNet Dictionary / Creative Intervention Rule-driven-ness Art as Wonder and Discovery form as Narrative
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Area of Study I. Cyber-topography: Rhizomatic Space II. Phenomenology: Experiential Shift in the Construct III. Ergodicity and Heterotopography IV. Post-modern Qualities in Ergodic Space V. Theoretical Thesis of Ergodic Study
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Cyber-topography: Rhizomatic Space (Internet as) Rhizome connectivity Heterogeneity Multiplicity Asignifying Rupture Cartography Decalcomania
/ Cyber-topography: Rhizomatic Space (Internet as) Rhizome “A rhizome ceaselessly establishes connections between semiotic chains, organization of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, sciences, and social struggles.” (p.7) “ The rhizome is an anti-genealogy. It is a short-term memory, or anti-memory. The rhizome operates by variation, expansion, conquest, capture, offshoots. Unlike the graphic arts, drawing, or photography, unlike tracings, the rhizome pertains to a map that must be produced constructed, a map that is always detachable, connectable, reversible, modifiable, and has multiple entryways and the exits and its own lines of flight.” (p.11) “ … The rhizome is reducible neither to the One nor the multiple… It is composed not of units but of dimensions, or rather directions in motions.” (p.21) [reference: A Thousand Plateaus – Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Deleuze and Guattari]
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Phenomenology: Experiential Shift in the Construct What makes the experience possible Spatial Presentation – Repetition and Difference Space and Place Intentionality Spatial Consciousness
/ Phenomenology: Experiential Shift in the Construct [Film] Last Year at Marienbad (1962) Contextualization: Realization of the self, the fact of consciousness – process and adventure as the nature of consciousness [Film] Songs from the Second Floor (2000) Multi-entrance/-exit Rule-driven-ness: The frame (as dimensions but not units) [Film] Capitalist Manifesto: Working Men of All Countries, Accumulate! (03) Execution of Power via repetition and difference [Lyrics] Free-walker 自由行 (2003) On tourism I: anti-expectation [Lyrics] Magic Door 隨意門 (2002) On tourism II: Unwillingness to travel [Lyrics] So Far Yet So Close 這麼遠 那麼近 (2002) On tourism III: Simulation - encountership of oneself
/ Phenomenology: Experiential Shift in the Construct [Fiction] The Garden of Forking Paths (Borges) Space of choice: Repetition and difference [Fiction] Aleph (Borges) Self-(re)iteration [Fiction] If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler (Calvino) Narration Vs./As Content [Fiction] Invisible Cities (Calvino) Heterogeneity: Combinations of the impossible Rule-driven-ness
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Ergodicity and Heterotopography Power, Space and New Media Hierarchic/Anti-hierarchic Space – Dissipation of Power Leisure Theory
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Postmodern Qualities in Ergodic Space Simulation, Implosion and Spatial Code Disappearance of the Subject
[THESIS] Ergodicity and New Media Arts / Theoretical Thesis of Ergodic Study What has Ergodicity brought about? The Future of Art