Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Hester Viola
2 New DBCP Technical Coordinator Etienne Charpentier finished work as the Technical Coordinator in January 2006 and is now working at WMO in the Ocean Affairs Division. Hester Viola, from Australia took up the position of the DBCP Technical Coordinator in July 2006, working at JCOMMOPS in Toulouse, France.
3 DBCP Global Network Status
4 Recent activities New design and standardisation for monthly maps New monthly maps produced (including Polar Views) Google Earth Files of Drifters and Moored Buoys New routine map data layers available (e.g. daily Ice edge, Argo deployment plans) Prototypes of Network density maps have been developed to identify data sparse areas. Plans are in place to automate production of these. JCOMMOPS dynamic web site made more reliable Enabled Web Map Services to allow more Geographic Information System (GIS) interoperability Set up of a global JCOMM integrated, interactive map: Improvements and fixes made to DBCP metadata in JCOMMOPS, problems built up over the time that the TC DBCP/SOT position was vacant
5 Additional Monthly Maps Integrated Network Monitoring Maps of Data Buoys and Argo Floats Produced monthly Global view and Polar views
6 Goals for 2007 onwards Better management of Deployment opportunities, collaboration with Argo Technical Coordinator. Encourage Buoy operators to include Barometers on all drifting buoys Work with CLS and CLS America to analyse sources of delays in buoy communications to try to decrease delays Finalise JCOMMOPS website developments and integrate some features available on the Argo website
7 Iridium Pilot Project At its last session the DBCP agreed to actively pursue technology evaluation initiatives. An Iridium Pilot Project was seen as a focus. Aims: –Seeks to evaluate the feasibility of Iridium technology for real-time telecommunication of drifter data –under various conditions e.g. in wide temperature ranges, remote ocean areas and in rough seas, where the buoy will be frequently submerged –With at least 50 units deployed worldwide Status: –To date, two buoys have been tested by Meteo France –An initial transmission format has been developed by Météo France –Various manufacturers are participating and are developing test buoys using Iridium 9601 modems (most provided by Trident Sensors) –Iridium is participating in the project also. See for more details.