Jet Physics with identified particles at RHIC and the LHC R. Bellwied (Wayne State University) Is hadron production in medium different than in vacuum.


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Presentation transcript:

Jet Physics with identified particles at RHIC and the LHC R. Bellwied (Wayne State University) Is hadron production in medium different than in vacuum ? 22nd Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics La Jolla, March 11-19, 2006

The main topics Hadron production through fragmentation in pp Flavor separated fragmentation functions Baryon – meson effects in pp Canonical strangeness suppression at high p T in pp/AA Tests of recombination through particle identified two- particle correlations in AA

Parton distribution functions at RHIC energies are well established through DESY measurements (hep-ex/ ) RHIC

RHIC & LHC is gluon jet dominated  E g =2  E q Eg=EqEg=Eq Non-Abelian energy loss XNW, nucl-th/ Is energy loss non-abelian ?

Effects due to softer g-PDF and color factor — 130 GeV — 130 GeV

Quark jet tagging through direct  -jets Alternative: Heavy Quark Tag, but  is ‘standard candle’

Life is easier at the LHC

 0 in pp: well described by standard NLO Ingredients (via KKP or Kretzer) –pQCD –Parton distribution functions –Fragmentation functions p+p->  0 + X Hard Scattering Thermally- shaped Soft Production hep-ex/ S.S. Adler et al.

pp at RHIC  adron formation in QCD NLO for heavy masses requires quark separation in fragmentation function zz Non-valence quark contribution to parton fragmentation into octet baryons at low fractional momentum in pp FF depend on Q, Einc, and flavor

Success of quark separated fragmentation functions at RHIC

..but, this effect might be collision energy dependent. STAR LHC KKP better at 630 GeV AKK better at 200 GeV The higher the collision energy, the more reliable LO pQCD K0 spectra

Why is understanding pp so important ? Is the hadronization process modified from pp to AA ? (Hadronization in medium (universe) vs. hadronization in vacuum) Is baryon production special ? Are recombination effects unique to AA ? The 400 pound gorilla: baryon/meson differences A clue to constituent quark scaling ? Is chiral symmetry restored ? Is the sQGP degree of freedom ‘ massive ’ ?

Breakdown of m T scaling in pp – a signal of gluon jet dominance ? A baryon – meson effect, due to baryon production requirement in string models (di-quark mechanism, di-quarks have lower p). Distinctly different from recombination.

Baryon production mechanism through strange particles correlations …  Test phenomenological fragmentation models OPAL ALEPH and DELPHI measurements: Yields and cos  distribution between correlated pairs distinguishes between isotropic cluster (HERWIG) and non-isotropic string decay (JETSET) for production mechanism. Clustering favors baryon production JETSET is clearly favored by the data. Correlated  bar pairs are produced predominantly in the same jet, i.e. short range compensation of quantum numbers.

Collision energy dependence of baryon vs. meson production in pp 630 GeV Baryon / meson differences already in pp collisions How does the ratio look at the LHC ?

Life is easier at the LHC ! LHC vs. RHIC – leading particle range Cross sections for p+p 14 TeV total  55 mb quark :  = 15 mb gluon:  = 38 mb ALICE pp: Event Recording Rate: 100 Hz Event Recording Bandwidth: 20 MB/s Running Time Per Year: 10 7 s Events Per Year: 10 9

Are extensions of string models applicable in AA RHIC and LHC ? e.g. EPOS++ (K.Werner’s talk) Alternative to recombination and fragmentation models Soft-Intermediate particle production through parton cascade in corona

Identified Particle R CP intermediate pt not dominated by fragmentation ? no flavor dependence in fragmentation region ? need to establish good high LHC (V0, rdE/dx, RICH ?)

R AA of strange baryons A remarkable difference between R AA and R CP that seems unique to strange baryons. Ordering with strangeness content. Is ‘Canonical suppression’ unique to strange hadrons ? This effect must occur ‘between’ pp and peripheral AA collisions

Flavor independence of meson R AA ? u,d dominated c,b dominated no flavor dependence in energy loss ??

Strange enhancement vs. charm suppression ? But is it a flavor effect ? Kaon behaves like D-meson, we need to measure  c at LHC Why is canonical suppression (CS) a baryon effect ? CS > energy loss high pt Is c more suppressed than s ? Is there still CS at LHC energies ?

R AA - A mocked up string picture does well (see V.Topor-Pop talk) Topor Pop et al. hep-ph/ HIJING/BBar + K T ~ 1 GeV Strong Color Field qualitatively describes R AA. SCF - long range coherent fields SCF behavior mimicked by doubling the effective string tension SCF only produced in nucleus- nucleus collisions R AA ≠ R CP Apparently EPOS++ can describe data as well

correlation functions before elliptic flow subtraction correlation functions after elliptic flow subtraction Correlation functions for strange particle triggers in Au+Au at 200 GeV Selection criteria: 3.0 GeV/c<p T trigger <3.5 GeV/c 1 GeV/c<p T associated <2 GeV/c |h|<1 Corrections applied: reconstruction efficiency of charged particles TPC sector boundaries STAR preliminary trigger: baryon/meson particle/antiparticle

Near side yield dependence on system size Although within statistical errors all trigger particle species behave similarly, yield for “meson” triggered correlations appears to be systematically lower than for “baryon” triggers Why is yield increasing with N part ? statistical errors only STAR preliminary Large AA/pp ratio of near side associated yield

STAR preliminary What does a parton recombination model predict? the ratio of near-side associated yield in central/peripheral Au+Au collisions is ~ 3 at p T associated = 1 GeV/c and decreases slowly with increasing p T associated data are in a good agreement with predictions from a parton recombination model: In Au+Au the thermal-shower recombination dominates for Kaon and Lambda triggered jets (no flavor sensitivity) R. Hwa, Z.Tan: nucl-th/ Au+Au d+Au 200 GeV 3GeV/c<p T trigger <6GeV/c

Recombination contribution is quark content dependent (R.Hwa, nucl-th/ ) mesons baryons Shower contribution significantly suppressed for sss and s-sbar states No  or  trigger two particle correlations in AA. Tests underway

Is the near-side associated yield (ridge or jet) flavor dependent ? - need higher stats - rdE/dx for  and p - easy at LHC

Summary Baryon production in pp requires multiple scattering (EPOS or NLO pQCD) High pt strange baryon production in AA enhanced instead of suppressed compared to pp. Is this due to simple canonical suppression in pp ? Any predictions for charmed baryons ? No strong flavor effects in high pt two particle correlations. Surprising absence of pQCD effects (gluon vs. quark contributions) in pp and AA. Does the energy loss show the color factor (non-Abelian energy loss ?). Large associated particle yield in AA compared to pp. Long range  correlations might be due to recombination. There might be a baryon/meson trend in agreement with recombination, but it is a small effect. Predictions for  and  need to be tested. The universe consists of baryonic matter. We need to understand basic baryon production in pp (string fragmentation vs. recombination, di-quark formation ? Then we need to determine whether the baryon production mechanism in AA collisions in modified. High pt identified baryon spectra at LHC are crucial (pT > 10 GeV/c ). Baryon production in medium might solve ‘universal’ issues.