EU-Regionalmanagement Oststeiermark Regionalmanagement East Styria Doris Pauger
7 regions East Styria „NEW“
118 communities km² inhabitants 3 districts: Fürstenfeld, Hartberg, Weiz Spezifications
non profit association (founding 1995 – EU entry) financing: EU, state, province and region employees (1 general manager, 6 consultants, 2 office workers) Executive Board: members of state parliament and national council resided in East Styria Organisation
Cooperation The RMO is an organisation, which encourages the national and international support programmes of the province Styria, the State and the EU.
support programmes Regional competitiveness 2007 – 2013 / Responsible for the programme A 14 - Economy and Innovation Employment pact East Styria 2007 – 2013 / Responsible for the programme A 11 - Social Regionext / Responsible for the programme A16 –Land-use- planning Styria LEADER 2007 – 2013 / general manager of Steirisches Wechselland, Oststeirische Thermenland-Lafnitztal and steering of Joggland and Oststeirischen Kernland operational programmes of EU
. The East Styrian programme for regional renewable energy and energy efficiency
The Challenge Only about 25 % of final energy consumption comes from Renewable Energy dependency, loss of added value, missed climate goals, … Broad activity, but coordination is only in the beginning Bundle the regional forces Compact and visible, strong presentation Build up further working cooperation Additional image development is required Political and personal resentments and animosities are handicap for cooperation between some local regions
High Density of Experts, Institutions, Players: Years of pioneering development work (since 1980) Know-how The Strengths Many implementation examples high potential of renewable resources Beginning’s of existing working structures Renewable Energy is … neutral issue, supported by political delegates of ALL parties in the RMO board of directors popular topic in the regional media
The Beginning “regional development programmes”: “D.E.O.”, 1998 (”East Styria’s Regional Development Programme”) “GO BEST”, (East Styria’s joint strategy for economy and employment) impulse project “Energy region East Styria”
“European Model Region for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency“ Region takes power supply actively into own hands UMBRELLA BRAND NAME “Energy Region East Styria” strongly position the region The slogan – „Do not invent the wheel again“ : 1) Bringing together needs and interests 2) Bundling of the financial and technical forces for the development of measures 3) Broad implementation of these measures in the municipalities and partial regions Bildquelle: LEA Aims
To increase the use of “Renewable Energy” and being aware of energy efficiency To increase employment and economic performance Renewable Energy should become a driving force for development in the entire region Joint coordination of the energy activities, improves communication and culture of cooperation Effects
Approach 5 fields of action Biomass Biogas Energyoptimized building construction Solarthermal and photovoltaics Vegetaible oil and mobility Realization of 5 projects Regional public awareness and public relations work Assistance by project application
Participation of… 28 companies 43 municipalities, active 150 majors and members of the state parliament 685 participations at excursions € subsidies awards Energy Globe Styria Award 2006 Energy savings, CO2-reductions and investments Survey after 2 years: Awareness level of 44% in population 84% of East Styrians can explain „renewable energy“ Continuation in projects Achievements after 2 years
CEEBEE – Center of Excellence for energyoptimized construction and renewable energy European territorial cooperation Austria-Hungary 4 projectpartners (Lead Partner) 01/ /2011 Aim: qualification and education in energyoptimized building construction content –Creation of an education network –Research of education requirements and offers development of an education offer –Center of Excellence
RUBIRES – Rural Biological Resources Central Europe-Project 10 projectpartners 01/ /2011 Aim: Increasing of regional added value in terms of biomass content –Public releations and qualification –Material flow management –Regional land use management –Regional value added partnerships
SOBIO – social biomass yard European territorial cooperation Slovenia-Austria 6 Project partner 10/ /2013 Aim: establishment of new jobs for persons, who have difficulties to access the labour market Location: biomass yard
ENMA – energetic suit Regional project 09/2010 – 07/2012 for micro-regions and municipalities In future the lower levels have to action Content: –Realization of 2 modules (refurbishment and photovoltaics) –knowledge module for knowledge transfer to other municipalities
Radersdorf 75 A-8263 Großwilfersdorf Tel.: Thank you for your attention!