Exotic Species
Mrs. Black Horse, Cheyenne Nation, and dog travois
American Chestnut
Cracking From Chestnut Blight
Exotic Species Conservation biologists typically call introduced species “exotic species” - species which live outside their natural range Botanists typically refer to exotic plants as alien species Other terms you may see include biological invaders, introduced species, invasive species, non-indigenous species, non-native species (my preferred term)
Cattle Egret Came on its own – not exotic
How or Why Do Exotic Species Get Dispersed? 1. Stowaways 2. Subsistence and Commerce 3.Recreation 4.Whimsy or aesthetics 5.Science 6.Biological Control
Norway Rat as ship rat
Nightcrawler Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) and pre-exotic distribution
Cars transport seeds via mud stuck to car
Ballast Water Discharge
Commerce and Subsistence
Monterey Pine
Blue Gum Eucalyptus
Feral Pig - Florida
Recreation - Brown Trout
Ring-necked Pheasant
Red Deer – New Zealand
Whimsy or Aesthetics – European Starling
House Sparrow
Multiflora Rose
Tree of Heaven - Ailanthus Light blue – counties where Ailanthus is present
Scotch Broom
Walking Catfish
Bighead Carp
Carp Jumping
Cherry Headed Conures in San Francisco
Monk Parrots – Chicago, Harold Washington Park and Hyde Park
Science - Gypsy Moth
Africanized Honey Bees
Movement of Africanized Honey Bees
Klamath Weed – aka – St. John’s Wort
Chrysolina beetle
Prickly Pear Hedge - Tunisia
Prickly pear in Australia – before control
Cactoblastis cactorum
Prickly pear – same location after control
Red Fox - Australia With native Bobuck possum
Red fox - Australia
Impact of Exotic Species
Predators and Grazers – Stephen Island, New Zealand
Stephen Island Wren
Brown Tree Snake
Many Brown Tree Snakes
Brown Tree Snake on Guam and Beyond
Decline in cichlid species due to Nile Perch in Lake Victoria
California Channel Islands
Sheep grazing – Channel Islands
Channel Island Coreopsis
Emerald Ash Borer
Parasites and Pathogens 16th Century Drawings of Native Americans with Smallpox
Chestnut blight canker and fungus
Spread of Chestnut Blight
Dutch Elm Disease – The Way to Knox
Elm Bark Beetle
Elm Bark Beetle Galleries
Avian Malaria and Hawaiian Native Birds like Scarlet Honeycreeper
Avian malaria occurs in areas below white line on Island of Hawaii
Avian Malaria and Abundance of Native Birds Gray line – mosquito abundance; solid black line – prevalence of avian malaria; dashed line – native bird adundance
Competitors – Purple Loosestrife
Purple Loosestrife
Purple Loosestrife Distribution
Control of Purple Loosestrife
Expansion of Water Hyacinth from Native Brazil
Water Hyacinth in India
Kudzu flower
Kudzu vines
Kudzu Car
Kudzu Distribution
European Starling and Eastern Bluebird
Starling and Bluebird Competition
Honeybee – Apis melliflora and native Bumble-bee - Bombus vosnesenskii
Honey Bee – Colony Collapse
Hybridization – Cordgrass – Spartina alterniflora
Spartina Hybridization A = Spartina alterniflora B = S. maritima C = S. x townsendii D = S. anglica
Invasive Spartina anglica in San Francisco Bay
Ecosystem Effects - Blue Gum
Charles Elton