An Analysis of The Mobile Market and Location-Based Services What About Wireless…?
The mobile market from a business and consumer point-of-view The evolvement of the mobile market The added value of LBS Problem definition
Main supporting technologies for mobility Added value of mobility and LBS Evolvement of the mobile market What About WAP...? Sub questions
Flow Chart 1: Introduction2: A New Era: The Information Age 3: Towards a mobile market4: LBS5: Knowledge management 6: The Mobile Market: a Business Analysis 7: The Mobile Market: a Consumer Analysis Conclusions 8: Innovation and Consumer Adoption of Mobile Services 9: Empirical Research on the Mobile Market
Content: The Information Age Information Revolution Sharing knowledge = strategic asset IT is transforming business The New Economy is a high-tech, services, and office economy keywords: Dynamism, innovation, globalisation and cooperation
Content: Mobility From GSM to GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE to UMTS i-Mode versus WAP: still undecided? Localisation and personalisation give mobile devices added value over wired Internet services
Content: Location-Based Services (LBS) LBS are services that add value by using the location component and will be amongst the most used mobile services The full potential of LBS will not be disclosed before 1. accurate location determination technology is in place 2. network bandwidth will be significantly higher 3. better devices and stable and reliable device- independent platforms will be available
Content: The Mobile Market Business point-of-view Many players are involved and are more and more joining forces The market is very dynamic and competitive Killer applications are or will be: comparison shopping, on-line banking, LBS, location- based advertising, streaming media, games and messaging
Content: The Mobile Market (Business) consumer point-of-view Mobility affects life and therefore offers opportunities as well as threats Mobile services increases consumer awareness of privacy issues Permission marketing Adoption of the Mobile Internet is affected by the positioning of wireless developments, the customer segmentation of wireless services, the amount of applications and services available and the design
Empirical Research (1/2) Consumer survey on mobility Customers prefer mobile communication and information services The services must be easy to use Networks need to become faster, people want bigger displays and better functionality Privacy and security issues have to be addressed Note: the results from this survey are only explorative
Empirical Research (2/2) WAP-site reviewing and evaluation The level of interactivity of the sites is generally very low Relatively few sites contain applications that can be run on-line Note: Only the Ericsson R380 WAP-emulator was used to evaluate WAP-sites
Conclusions (1/2) Many players are involved in the mobile market. To survive in this highly competitive and dynamic market, companies have to join forces The mobile market is expected to continue to grow, but at a slower pace than it did in the past two years Phones and computers are converging, but no one knows exactly what the result will be Mobility affects life. It saves time and money, raises productivity levels and makes more information more widely available
Conclusions (2/2) Threats of mobility are: Threat of privacy violation, high costs, lack of standardisation, not enough services and applications available and lack of customer segmentation Expectations have been set too high in the past too often Positioning can bring the user many new applications, which are meant to make life easier Stable and reliable device-independent platforms are key to implementing successful LBS
Recommendations Several points of attention will have to be addressed: Legislation will have to be designed Standardisation of devices and (location determination) technologies, stable and reliable device-independent platforms Better expectations management Better customer segmentation and better addressing customer needs Faster networks and more capacity