Stephen Brown and Hussein Zedan With contributions from Keno Buss, Thom Corah and Sascha Westendorf Web 2.0: Hope or Hype? 26 September 2007
Creativity East Midlands
What do you think? Web 2.0: Hope or Hype?
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 growth
Web application tools Web 2.0 editors Podcast distribution sites Blog construction and blog utilization toolsets
Personalization Tools Start pages Search engine interfaces Visualized search Quintura Sound personalizing
Business applications Network-based Word-Processing - group edited docs Network spreadsheets - Filing expense reports Mailbox Chat, bulletin board, or list To-Do-Lists Calendars Storage Instant survey
Finding tools Alerting services or blog filters News aggregators Recommenders Social bookmarking “Trail” of user paths Wikipedia, of course, but also niche wikis History Timeline Wiki Wikinews
Social Sites Friendster MySpace Image sharing Fundraising Instant store Book collection?; Sharing as a game -
Mashups Map Images Map Auctions Map an archeological tour, libraries, heritage destinations Mapping other datasets: iSpecies Harvesting content - science fiction cover art harvester Google maps and Audubon Society data sets
Mashups Plus Maps with feeds of images, gps reports etc. “Hide and Seek” mashups using Virtual Earth and MSN Messenger TagClouds. terms from museum RSS feeds Mashups in evaluation program
Tim Berners-Lee “Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and I think Web 2.0 is of course a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along. And in fact, you know, this 'Web 2.0,' it means using the standards which have been produced by all these people working on Web 1.0." podcast interview for IBM, September 2006
Technical Requirements Data Centric Asynchronous Communication User Generated Content Multiple Read/Write
Web2.0 Architecture
Web2.0 Compliant Application Collaboration Web Enabled Interactive Data Centric
Web 2.0 Mashups & Creativity tml tml
Open Source Software Collaboration Source Code as User Generated Content Quality Management by Experts High Quality Software
Trust Alex Halavais, an assistant professor of communication at the University at Buffalo and an active blogger, decided to put Wikipedia to the test—by inserting 13 errors into various entries. One error asserted that abolitionist Frederick Douglass had once lived in Syracuse, and another "fooled with the Periodic Table," says Halavais. Within two and a half hours, site visitors had corrected all the errors.
"The problem with the global village is all the global village idiots.“ Paul GinspargPaul Ginsparg "You don't do good software design by committee.“ Donald NormanDonald Norman "There's no justice like angry-mob justice.“ Principal Seymour SkinnerPrincipal Seymour Skinner
4 conditions 1.Diversity 2.Independence 3.Decentralization 4.Aggregation
What do you think? Web 2.0: Hope or Hype?
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