Brussels, February 8 th Research Progress and Priorities : Lighting and Daylighting Prof. Marc Fontoynont Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat - Lyon, FRANCE
Supply or demand… …what drives progress in lighting? The people: Increase of night life Increase of time indoor More time in cities More intensive visual tasks More VDUs Growing desire for aesthetics The technology: Increase Luminous efficacy Increase in power range Increase in life duration Miniaturization Cost reduction Design Increased insulation of glazing Smart controls
Renault Avantime Renault Vel Satis BMW X5 « More daylight, more vision to the outside, more controls of shading »
Ligne 14, Métro Paris
Renovation of a commercial center, with daylighting. Lyon Part-Dieu, Lyon, France
Daylight Guidance Systems residential, industrial, transportation, museums (SolarSpot).
Preliminary observations : Brussels, February 8 th In electric lighting, European industry leads the world regarding the performance of the luminaire industry and the control technology. In countries such as Germany, Netherlands, or Swizzerland the practice in efficient lighting is well established, but standards are progressing all around Europe. For indoor lighting, T5 fluorescent with electronic ballasts represent the best light source in terms of efficiency, with no large potential of improvement for the next 20 years. Good potential for miniaturization of Metal Halide lamps Dimming of arc lamps investigated
Preliminary observations : (continued) Brussels, February 8 th Good news for energy conservation: small halogen spotlights will progressively be replaced in the next years by LED sources, coming from the opto-electronic(computer, communication). LED sources are still not very appropriate for lighting, but they should become a serious alternative within 3 yrs. Danger : Europe may loose its leadership to Asian companies but Philips, OSRAM invest strongly in these technologies. Major potential for energy savings will come from: 1) generalization of “best practice”: high quality, low power densities 2) turning lights off whenever it is possible (in relation to occupant needs, presence, and, above all, daylighting )
Research Progress in Lighting EC Programmes( ) Brussels, February 8 th Daylight availability data (produced from satellite recordings) Daylighting and lighting software Efficient lighting scenarios (lighting, daylighting, controls) Intelligent controls Deep daylighting techniques (daylight guidance, heliostats, Advanced glazing materials for daylighting (light deviation, sunlight protection, variable transmittance)
Type of activity needed: 1) R&D Efficient and powerful task lighting using T5 technology. Aim: reduce power densities in offices from 15W/m 2 to below 10W/m 2 or even below 7W/m 2 average. Aim: 50% savings compared to actual practice. Prepare substitution of halogen by LED ( ). Highly insulative glass, to allow use of larger glazed areas and more daylighting. Optimized solar shading techniques and their controls. (between glass panes?). Large room for innovation. Deep daylighting techniques (Passive light guides, façade components, increase role of optics ). Brussels, February 8 th
Type of activity needed: 2) Dissemination … Examples of very efficient and very sustainable work place in offices. Below 70 W / person for electrical lighting power incomparison with 200W current. Room for upgrade standards. Examples of well daylit (and solar protected) buildings with efficent control strategies. Assess users satisfaction. Cost analysis. Marketing strategies Involve major clients (banks, public organization,etc.) Communicate the results (press) Brussels, February 8 th
Type of partnership needed: Academic: performance targets, monitoring procedures, laboratory tests, occupant satisfaction, sustainability assessment Industrial: reliability of products, increase performance, integration reduction of costs Governmental: health organizations, work legislation Clients: investors in the field of buildings (office / industry, banks, governmental organizations) Brussels, February 8 th
Potential Targets in Lighting: 2005: 6W/m2 office lighting, less than 6KWh/m2.year average Lighting of workspace below 50 W. 2006: Cost effective daylighting techniques. 2006: New LEDs with efficacy higher than 50 lm/W 2010: Potential replacement of all compact fluorescent and _ halogen by LEDs (no more mercury). Life > hrs After: very efficient glazing materials: insulative, transparent _ controllable at market prices (glass & organic). Control in relation to electricity availability (PV Grid) Brussels, February 8 th
But parallel research activities needed: Acceptability of energy-efficient lighting scenarii (users preferences…) Potential of improvement of lighting quality for health and well being. Behavioural Sciences cannot be excluded. Brussels, February 8 th
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