Direction of Study Investments Derivative Securities Options, Futures, Swaps, Synthetics Corporate Financial Strategies Corporate Challenges Derivative Security Usages Effective Management
Investments Derivative Securities Financial Contracts that “derive” their value from some underlying asset price. Options – Right to Buy/Sell Futures – Commitment to Buy/Sell Swaps – To switch out of one financial contract for another (usually multiple times across a horizon) Synthetic – OTC contract / Fin’l Engineer’g
Corporate Financial Strategies Corporate Challenges Product Price Uncertainties Selling Price, Cost of Materials, Volumes Financing Uncertainties Balance Sheet Funding Transaction Exposure Derivative Security Strategies vs. Operational Strategies Effective Management: Hedging vs. Speculation
Method of Study Toolbox: Options, Futures, Swaps, Synthetics Payoffs, Prices and Strategies In-class problems, At-home review materials Implementation Trading Online Hedge, Speculate Cases
Requirements Group Work (3 person groups) Trading Online Cases Individual Work 2 exams across quarter, no Final Exam MBAs: Paper on Derivatives (Plan an Appointment)
Why Risk Management? Higher Risk due to: Inflation/DisInflation Volatility of FX Rates Volatility of Interest Rates
Market Response Commodity Prices Futures, Options, Swaps, Synthetics Foreign Exchange Futures, Options, Swaps, Synthetics Interest Rates Futures, Options (Caps & Floors), Swaps, Synthetic Debt
Size of Markets $516 Trillion Derivatives Markets OTC dominates Exchange Traded FX < 10% of Volume Stock Options: < 2% of Volume Due to SIVs and other Trading, Interest Rate Derivatives are 65+% of Total ($347 Trillion) About $275 Trillion in Interest Rate Swaps
Reasons exist for active financial risk management SMOOTH EARNINGS!!! Match Supply of Internally-generated funds with Demand for funds for Capital Expenditures Match Employee’s incentives with Investors Match Information Advantage with Transaction Ability & Cost of Transaction