L.U.S.H. Liquor’s Ultimate Service Handler Mike Martin Pezh Shoureshi Andrew Schmid Heather Buna Taymoor Marar EE Capstone Design Lab Spring 2004
Presentation Outline Overview Objectives Description Hardware and Interfaces Block Diagram Processor FPGA EPROM SRAM LCD Keypad Bill Acceptor Pumps Software Pseudo Code Parts List Current Progress Processor Valve and Pump Test Schedule Milestone Goals Current Schedule Division of Labor Conclusion
Objectives Design and implement a mixed drink/single shot vending machine that will: Provide a drink menu according to available liquor / mixers Pour specific drinks Track alcohol and mixer amounts in machine Accept Payment (Cash or PIN debit accounts) Allow quick-loading with barcode reader wand
Purpose Can be used at parties to pour drinks for guests, eliminating the need for a bartender. Can be used at bars and sporting events to help relieve lines. Can be used at bars/restaurants by cocktail wait staff.
Physical Description L.U.S.H will be a rectangular box with six alcohol/mixer bottles on top L.U.S.H. will have a bill acceptor, LCD screen, barcode reader and numeric key pad on the front side
L.U.S.H General Configuration
Block Diagram
Motorola MC68HC pin PLLC 16/-32 bit microprocessor architecture 16-bit data bus 24-bit address bus Capable of addressing over million bytes of memory. 8MHz clock speed
Processor Bus Schematic
Xilinx XCS10 FPGA Programmable logic using 84-pin PLCC. Chip Select using 4/16 decoding. Using counter to time duration of liquid dispensing.
FPGA Schematic
AMD AM27C512 EPROM 28 pin DIP 64K x 8-bit Using two chips in order to obtain a 16- bit connection. 1 chip for low byte and 1 chip for high byte.
EPROM Schematic
Samsung K6T4008C1B SRAM 32 pin DIP 512K x 8 bit Using two chips in order to obtain a 16- bit connection. 1 chip for low byte and 1 chip for high byte.
SRAM Schematic
LCD Screen
Optrex DMC20434N LCD 20 characters x 4 lines 5 x 8 dots per character 5V DC operation Communicates with processor via the data bus
Grayhill Series 96 4x4 Keypad 4x4 Keyboard with easily customized legends. Uses a matrix circuitry. 1,000,000 operations per button. Compatible with high resistance logic inputs. Uses the decoder.
Bill Acceptor
MARS LE3000 Bill Acceptor Switch selectable for $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bill acceptance. Magazine can hold 400 bills. 65 Watts at 24 VAC, 60 Hz Uses pulses to designate bill denomination. Flash Diagnostic Code LEDs.
Trico Universal Washer Pump Variable Voltage 3V-12V DC Variable Speed Depending on voltage On or off with power
Memory Mapping $ – EPROM $ – SRAM $ – LCD Screen $ – Keypad/Decoder (74922) $ – Pumps (Using a latch) $ – Bill Acceptor (MARS LE3000) $ – Barcode Reader $ – Serial Port (If needed)
User Interface Software Main() { Idle() { Output to LCD “BUY A DRINK ADMIN MENU” Wait for keypad hit If “buy drink” selected Sale_mode( ) If “Admin menu” selected Admin_mode( ) } }
Sale Mode sale_mode() { menu_load() scans inventory loads menu select_drink() menu is printed to LCD screen user scrolls down menu and selects drink user selects size request_payment() (only if payment mode is enabled) Output to LCD “INSERT CASH ENTER PIN” User selects payment method, pays pour_drink() Output to LCD “THANK YOU HIT ANY KEY WHEN READY” User hits key, drink is poured Loop back to main }
Administrator Mode Admin_mode() { select_option() output to LCD “LOAD ALCOHOL/MIXERS PIN ACCOUNTS PAYMENT MODE EXIT ADMIN. MODE” User selects option Load_alcohol() Use bar code reader to scan bottle barcode If no barcode, scroll through list of alcohols/mixers Pin_account() Output to LCD “LOAD NEW PIN MODIFY PINS” If user wants to load a new pin: Enter 4 digit pin Enter number of credits If user wants to modify existing pins Scroll through a list of pins Select proper pin, modify credits/delete Payment_mode() Output to LCD “ CASH ONLY PIN ACCOUNTS CASH/PINS ON THE HOUSE” User selects payment type Loop back to select_option() }
Parts list Embedded System Hardware Motorola 68HC000 Two AMD AM27C512 EPROMS Two Samsung K6T4008C1B SRAMs One Xilinx XCS10 FPGA Five 74HC245 Drivers Many Analog Components (resistors, capacitors, etc) 8 MHZ clock User Interface Components DMC20434N LCD screen Barcode Reader Wand Grayhill Series 96 4x4 Keypad MARS LE3000 Bill Acceptor
Frame Hardware Wooden Cube 3.5’ x 2’ x 2’ with 2”x4” studs 6 feet plastic tubing 5/16” diameter Tubing connectors Plexiglass covering for all sides 6 wiper fluid pumps
Current Progress Tested the solenoid valve idea and decided it was unfeasible. Tested the pump idea and verified the feasibility. Started wire-wrapping the proto-board. Verified that the processor and reset switch are working properly.
Solenoid Valve Test Built a test setup to determine the feasibility of using the one-valve and two-valve systems. Found that both systems had too much vacuum pressure to produce accurate liquid dispensing.
Pump Test Built a test set-up to verify that a windshield washer pump will give us accurate pours. Determined that the pumps will work in our system. At 4V input voltage, one shot takes 7 seconds to pour. At 6V input voltage, 8 oz. Of mixer takes 17 seconds to pour.
Proto Board
Processor and Reset Switch Test Hooked up our proto board to the logic analyzer. Tested that the stack pointer and program counter were working properly. Verified that the reset switch was working.
Milestone goals Milestone 1 Rough Draft of Code All Hardware hooked up Bill Accepter/LCD screen/Scanner wired up Milestone 2 Prototype box Working code
Current schedule
Division of Labor Programming: Heather and Andrew Bill Acceptor/Scanner/LCD screen: Pezh and Andrew EPROM/SRAM/FPGA: Mike and Heather Pumps: Taymoor and Mike Building the LUSH exterior: Pezh and Andrew Testing: Everyone User Manual: Everyone