MS I Recruitment, Retention, and Outreach Efforts Jean Jackson Director of Undergraduate Office Paul Addison Outreach Coordinator Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University
MS I Finalists 33 Attendees 20 Offers 19 Accepted 14 Matriculated 20 CS Recruiting and Retention n Women in Computer Science Career Day (WICS) Corporate SupportCorporate Support n Scholarship Day CorporateCorporate AlumniAlumni DepartmentalDepartmental
MS I 3 CS Recruiting and Retention n Scholarships and Awards n CS Women’s Network (CSWN) n Internships n Undergraduate Research n Corporate Mentoring Program
MS I 4 School of Science Recruiting and Retention n Women in Science Program (WISP) Earhart Residence Hall ProgramEarhart Residence Hall Program TutoringTutoring Undergraduate Mentoring ProgramUndergraduate Mentoring Program ScholarshipsScholarships Graduate Mentoring ProgramGraduate Mentoring Program
MS I 5 School of Engineering Women in Engineering Programs n Career Days n Future Focus n Videotapes n WIEP Brochure/Poster n Personal Connection Program n Merit Awards n Society of Women Engineers
MS I 6 School of Engineering Women in Engineering Programs n Earhart Program n ENGR 194, Women in Engineering Seminar n Leadership Program n M & M Undergraduate Mentoring Program
MS I 7 CS Outreach: Part of a Coordinated School of Science Outreach Program n Computer Sciences n Biology n Chemistry n Physics n Earth & Atmospheric Sciences n Mathematics
MS I 8 Purdue School of Science Outreach: Published Objective To increase achievement and interest in science and mathematics at all pre- college levels in Indiana.
MS I 9 Coordinated Outreach Activities: Focus on Science n Week-long experience for elementary school students n Conducted in the school with the participation of teachers and Purdue staff n Provides students with hands-on activities in scientific experimentation and discovery
MS I 10 Coordinated Outreach Activities: Frontiers in Science n Annual meeting of high school science teachers, students, and Purdue science faculty n Purpose: to bring leading-edge science research into the classroom more quickly and more directly
MS I 11 Delivering computer science to everyone Computer Science Outreach
MS I 12 Ongoing Programs n The Computer in Action A role-playing activity (grades K-3)A role-playing activity (grades K-3) n Programming with MicroWorlds® Logo Multimedia and programming combined (grades 3-5)Multimedia and programming combined (grades 3-5) n Programming with LEGO Dactas® Fun with computer-driven robotics (grades 3-9)Fun with computer-driven robotics (grades 3-9) n Teacher Workshops How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom
MS I 13 Other Services n Computer Science Summer Camp (2nd year) n Careers in Computer Science presentations n Web site: n On-campus programs 4-H Career Day Round-up4-H Career Day Round-up Science OlympiadScience Olympiad n Conference presentations n Articles in educational journals
MS I 14 How Can We Reach Out n We visit any school in the state at no charge n We invite schools to visit us at Purdue n Our web site provides resources and materials n Programs for minorities and women Minority Science Summer ProgramMinority Science Summer Program Top Five Sophomore ProgramTop Five Sophomore Program Finding Opportunities for College Undergraduate SuccessFinding Opportunities for College Undergraduate Success Expanding Your Horizons in Science and MathExpanding Your Horizons in Science and Math Women in Computer Science Career DayWomen in Computer Science Career Day
MS I 15 Goals n Encourage interest in computer science n Teach basic computer skills n Help schools to develop models of appropriate computer skills by grade level n Provide information about computer careers n Promote a realistic outlook about computers
MS I 16 How can we make sure we can reach everyone? n Can they visit us personally? More on-campus workshopsMore on-campus workshops n Can we visit them personally? Mobile notebook computer labMobile notebook computer lab n Can we deliver instruction electronically? Web interaction, multimedia and video instructionWeb interaction, multimedia and video instruction