Consortium Member Institutions: ► Columbia University ► Cornell University ► North Carolina Center for South Asia Studies ► Syracuse University ► The University of California-Berkeley ► The University of Chicago ► The University of Pennsylvania ► The University of Texas at Austin ► The University of Washington – Seattle ► The University of Wisconsin – Madison Honorary Member Institutions: ► University of Michigan
SASLI Language Offered ► Bengali ► Gujarati ► Hindi ► Malayalam ► Marathi ► Nepali ► Pashto ► Punjabi ► Sanskrit ► Sinhala ► Tamil ► Telugu ► Tibetan ► Urdu All SASLI Languages are on the US/ED Less Commonly Taught Language and Priority Language List
Survey ► Total SASLI students ► Those with valid contact info – 390 ► Total responses – 148 ► (30% of total students and 38% of those we could contact)
Survey ► Current status of students 57% - Graduate students 14% - Undergraduate students ► Students above represented 45 different institutions 14% - Employed – in career field of choice 12% - Employed – not in career field of choice 7% - Other
Survey ► Funding Sources 43% on SASLI FLAS Fellowship 16% on NRC FLAS Fellowship ► 59% funded by FLAS 16% on SASLI Fee Remission 18% do not receive funding ► Significant percent that is paying out of pocket 25% funded by other sources
Survey ► Other reported available programs for language instruction (could select more than one answer) 49% - A language program abroad 35% - No other program exists ► Meeting critical need for language acquisition 28% - Another U.S.-based summer program
Survey ► Likelihood of learning language in U.S without SASLI 61% - very unlikely to highly unlikely ► Meeting a critical need 19% - very likely to highly likely 19% - moderately likely
Survey 2003 – 2008 ► Likelihood of learning language abroad without SASLI 21% - very unlikely to highly unlikely 52% - very likely to highly likely 27% - moderately likely
Survey ► 96% successfully met or exceeded academic goals ► 88% advanced career goals and/or options ► 96% satisfied with the language acquisition ► 90% of respondents would be very or highly likely to recommend SASLI to a friend Generally extremely high satisfaction rates
Survey ► Using the language in career 60% - high to exceptional usage 20% - moderate usage 20% - low to no usage ► Using the language in personal life 46% - high to exceptional usage 31% - moderate usage 23% - low to no usage
► Connections via SASLI maintained contact with instructor (s) ► 70% - 1 year ► 54% - 2 years (*when applicable) ► 41% years (*when applicable) Maintained contact with other student (s) ► 90% - 1 year ► 74% - 2 years (*when applicable) ► 68% years (*when applicable)
Developing National Standards ► STAMP (Center for Applied Second Language Studies) Elementary and Intermediate Hindi Pilot test ► Pilot began in 2006 ► SASLI students participated ~15% of all Hindi Pilot test takers Elementary and Intermediate Urdu Pilot test ► Pilot began in 2008 ► 2008 SASLI students participated ~67% of all Urdu Pilot test takers
Developing National Standards ► Creating Standards across all languages Final exams and syllabi are kept on file for all languages and all levels ► Made available to other language instructors/programs ► Developing SASLI website “pedagogy corner” to showcase materials
Pedagogy at SASLI ► Collaboration with the SA Language Resource Center Every summer one-week pedagogy workshop prior to SASLI Topics include: ► Language, Culture, and Curriculum in the South Asian Language ► Using Technology to Promote Learner-Centered SA Language Instruction ► Developing Assessments for South Asian Languages ► Keeping Teacher and Student Talk in the Target Language ► Introduction to the Field of Heritage Languages
Pedagogy at SASLI ► In-house Pedagogy Pedagogy Specialists ► Various pedagogy specialists created workshops held during the 8 week summer session, including observations Academic Director hired in 2008 ► Workshops organized by long-term instructors with input from the Director ► Class observations and follow-up meeting 2009 and beyond ► Commitment to continue pedagogy workshops with the SALRC and in-house workshops
SASLI Administration ► Chair of the Board: Sue Wadley, Syracuse University, ► Local Director: J. Mark Kenoyer, University of WI-Madison, ► Academic Director: Don Davis, University of WI-Madison, ► Assistant Director: Laura Hammond, University of WI-Madison, ► Program Assistant: Grace Lorentz, University of WI-Madison, URL: