AFC engineering group meeting on the 26 th of Jan 2004 MICE Absorber Focus Coil work schedule for the next 6 months By Wing Lau, Oxford
The following is the AFC work schedule for the next 6 months. This is in accordance with Paul Drumm’s master schedule. The immediate miles stones are:- Agreement on the interface details by end of February so that we can draw up the re-baseline drawing before the MICE Collaboration meeting in CERN at the end of March 2004; Completion of the Mechanical seal test by the end of January 2004 to allow prototyping of the Absorber body which is due to start in Feb is this on-schedule?; Start of the Window manufacturing by the beginning of Feb 2004 to allow window test to commence in end Feb is this on schedule? R & D on the welded window to commence at the beginning of Feb We need to agree to work to this schedule with commitment.