Volunteering? “No thanks,” I hear you say, “I don’t really fancy having to sift through jumble in a charity shop.”
“But there’s A LOT more to it than that!”
“Put aside preconceptions. Volunteering is work experience with the added possibility that the act of choosing to be a volunteer can show even greater initiative and commitment” (Senior manager, HSBC Bank)
What is it? “Student volunteering covers a large range of activities and projects: there truly is something out there for everyone”
A survey carried out by TimeBank through Reed Executive showed that among 200 of the UK’s leading businesses the following statistics were found: (Timebank) Employability development tool
“94% of employers believe that volunteering can add to skills”. Employability development tool (TimeBank)TimeBank
“73% of employers would employ a candidate with volunteering experience over one without.” (TimeBank)TimeBank Employability development tool
“58% say that voluntary work experience can actually be more valuable than experience gained in paid employment” (TimeBank)TimeBank Employability development tool
“94% of employees who volunteered to learn new skills had benefited either by getting their first job, improving their salary, or being promoted” (TimeBank)TimeBank Volunteering as a Career Development Tool
“Up to 60% of job vacancies are not advertised and end up being filled internally or through external networking” (TimeBank)TimeBank -Network while you volunteer. Volunteering as a Career Development Tool
“Volunteering has given me exposure to other agencies and added to my education. By shadowing managers in the organisation, I can observe strategies and increase industry awareness. I now have confidence to contribute in team meetings and am comfortable with public speaking” (Alissa, Bethany House) A Volunteer’s View
“A Scottish employer survey (2002) found that 50% reported that employees lacked relationship and interpersonal skills.” Adapted from Knight P T and York M (2003) Assessment, Learning and Employability Maidenhead, SHRE and OUP -Volunteering is a great way to gain these skills
“The skills of the ideal 'self-reliant' graduate include: self-awareness, self-promotion, exploring and creating opportunities, action-planning and networking. (Hawkins and Winter, 2006) -Volunteering activities can enhance these.
What employers want “ Employability skills are a top priority for business. Over three quarters (78%) of the firms who responded to the CBI’s education and skills 2009 survey4 said it was one of the most important factors when recruiting graduates, along with a positive attitude (72%)” (CBI “Future Fit 2009”)
Employability Skills Employer research remains the same!
Volunteering Use it to develop employability skills Use it as a career development tool Employers’ want the ‘value -added - you’ Helps you build network links