2 Agenda What are we talking about? How do I run the new report? What does it look like? What do I do with it? How do I get help?
3 What are we talking about? 253 YTD Award Status report replaces the Legacy “YR END SPIRES” report “YR END SPIRES” report was used by units to “close out” their operating budget accounts –Also used to indicate what fund transfers should be done as part of the OB close out Displayed, by account, OB Funding (i.e “Expense Control”), expenditures, restricted fund support –Units entered commitments, carryforwards, transfer to other units/budget savings
4 Legacy “SPIRES YR END” report
5 How do I run the new report? From Reportmart3: Timing of the data: –All data comes from the new EDW, so it is all day-old data –Expenditures come from GA But no capital equipment expenditures Capital Equipment acquisition represented as transfers
6 Search prompts?
7 What Data Is On the Report? Fund balance (recorded at award level only) Revenue “budget” (“revenue control”) for PTA (if any) Actual Revenue Posted (to project only; no task) GF Transfers posted to P-A combination (Objects & 49210) All other transfers (except for & 49290, Cap Equip transfers) Cap Equip acquisition expenditures shown as transfers out “Top level” Award Info (project ) Project/Award Info Project/Task/Award Info
8 What Data Is On the Report (part 2)? Current Expense Control Total Expense (per GL) for the AWARD in total and per project (excluding Cap Equipment and other “asset-type” expenditure types) Expense (per GA) per PT within the award There also are some “asset type expenses” recorded (cap equipment exp types plus other prepaid expenses) Placeholder (for future use) This GA data is to help reconcile numbers on expenditure statements with the Expenses shown on Fund Statements
9 What do I do with the report? Export to Excel:
10 What do I do with the report (continued)? In excel: –Add or hide columns to enable you to manipulate the data “Allocate” revenue and transfers from Project/Award to individual tasks “Allocate” out beginning balance from award level to individual PTAs iBudget “receipts” and “expenses” data: –Most current iBudget figures, based on original Hyperion data load from September 2005, plus/minus any reallocations or increases/decreases You need to decide how useful this data is for you If it is not useful or if it is confusing, hide the columns
11 What do I do with the report (continued)? Use the report to indicate commitments, transfers to be done, year-end OB results –Add additional columns or rows Use the report as part of the FY06 year-end results presentation to the UBO at the end of September
12 How to Get Help Contact Andrew Harker ) or Noel Hirst