Energy Energy supply & demand as a “social project” What energy does Why we want & need energy Forms & uses of energy, & energy quality Explaining energy costs Relation of energy to “lifestyle” Energy & related economic growth Energy transitions What motivates an energy transition Political economy of energy, & relation to war
Fossil fuels, oil, geopolitics Fossil fuels as geologic legacy Supply of fossil fuels, demand & distribution Supply of oil & geographic distribution Demand for oil & determinants of price Potential problem of peak oil Why oil is “still the one” History of oil & markets (esp. Middle East) Geopolitics of oil since 1900 Oil & automobility
The Resource Curse Paradox of plenty I (producing countries) Paradox of plenty II (consuming countries) Effects of resource curse on economies Effects of resource curse on politics & peace Effects of resource curse on society & livelihood Impacts of decline in demand for resources Example of Nigeria Avoiding the resource curse
Energy Futures Global issues: supply, demand, distribution Energy scarcity: myths & realities Substitution & alternatives (innovation) Business as usual Intensive conservation New sources & supplies Nuclear power Renewables & characteristics Possible surprises
The Environmental Problematic Growing impact of human activities on Earth Degradation of critical ecosystems Externalities imposed on others Decline in available “pollution space” “Tragedy of the Commons”: myth vs. reality Reluctance to cooperate on shared problems Low cost/no cost value of nature Failure to internalize ecological & social costs Role of power & wealth in consumption
Population & Demography “Population problem”: numbers & impacts Population growth patterns over history Demographic profiles & explanations Demographic transition & life expectancy Family size, child mortality & labor demands Rural to urban migration; labor mobility Malthusianism vs. Cornucopianism Production, movement & distribution of food Potential & limits of agricultural innovation Factors that slow & limit population growth rates
Climate Change Greenhouse gases & global climate change Atmosphere as a “global commons” Sources of GG & projected growth rates Projected consequences of climate change UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Major issues in climate negotiations Cap & trade Other GG control strategies Potential scenarios & outcomes
Consumption & Sustainability Concepts & their significance to society Levels of consumption & “limits to growth” Ecological footprints Resource depletion: myths & realities Access to resources & goods & their costs Income, employment & lifestyle Treadmill of production & consumption Definition of sustainability Habitus & its transformation The politics of getting to sustainability