Introducing ICPSR An Electronic Brochure
Our Mission ICPSR provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for a diverse and expanding social science research community. 2
What is ICPSR? 3
One of the world’s oldest and largest social science data archives Established in 1962 (as ICPR) so that social scientists could share data Data distributed on punch cards, then magnetic reel-to- reel tape, and now: Data available instantaneously Over 7,900 studies with over 65,400 data sets A membership organization that started as a partnership among 21 universities, now: Currently about 700 members world-wide Federal funding allows parts of the collection to be available to all 4 What is ICPSR?
5 Where is ICPSR Located and How is it Funded? ICPSR is located at the Institute of Social Research at The University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, Michigan The consortium is 100% self-funded by membership dues from about 700 institutions across the globe – Note that several specialized archives within ICPSR are funded by grants and contracts from the federal government or foundations
What We Do – It’s About Data! Seek out researchers, PIs, research agencies and collect data files and pertinent documents related to the original research Process the data and documents Output data into multiple formats (ASCII, SAS, SPSS, Stata, SDA) Preserve it for the future Disseminate data directly to the desktops of students and researchers for secondary analysis Provide education, training, & instructional resources Summer Program in Quantitative Methods Undergraduate and graduate student teaching resources to support quantitative literacy 6
Why Would You Use ICPSR? Write articles, papers, or theses using real research data Conduct secondary research to support findings of current research or to generate new findings Use as intro material in grant proposals Study or teach quantitative methods; improve quantitative literacy Preserve & disseminate primary research data; adhere to data management plan (grant) requirements
About the Data ICPSR archives both U.S. and international data Data Sources: Government (census, government organizations) Large data collection efforts (National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Panel Study of Income Dynamics) Polls (ABC and CBS news polls, voter polls) Principal Investigators (Chitwan Valley Family Study, Marital Instability Over the Life Course) New combinations (Integrated Fertility Survey Series, Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys) Other organizations (NCAA) 8
9 Supporting a growing number of disciplines with data... Anthropology Communications Criminal Justice Demography Economics Education Foreign Policy Gerontology Health & Medical Policy History International Relations Law/Legal Services Political Science Psychology Public Policy Sociology
Supporting Data Use Data and Documentation for students & researchers Allows for replication, further understanding of published findings, new research Used in papers, theses/dissertations, and reports Bibliography of Data-Related LiteratureData-Related Literature Over 48,400 citations Represents published reports/articles based on data we hold Full-text available Free user supportuser support 10
Bringing Data Into the Classroom In partnership with teaching faculty, ICPSR has developed: Online tutorials Online teaching modules Online Learning Center (Introductory/Substantive Courses)Online Learning Center Student research opportunities 11
Research Opportunities for Students Research paper competitions -- a research journal experience & cash prizes! Research paper competitions Paid student internships focusing on investigating social sciences researchstudent internships 12
13 Explore the ICPSR Web site
ICPSR Resources to Note Summer Program in Quantitative MethodsSummer Program Subscribed Lists (for announcements and webinar invitations) Social Media (become a fan on Facebook; follow us on Twitter) ICPSR Help FAQs (searchable) Data User Help Center (w/ audio/video tutorials) Local Support ICPSR Social Networks 14
For More Information: Explore the website Sign up for our announcements Attend or view our webinars/tutorials (open to the public!) Information on membership in ICPSR Contact us- 15