1 Lab6 Lab6 ComboBox Control Properties, Methods and Events
2 ComboBax Control A control That combines the attributes of both text box and list box controls. ComboBox properties: Allows the user to type data into the combobox and to select items from the drop-down list Has the visual appearance of a TextBox, Drop down list never appears. Does not allow the user to enter data in the ComboBox, the user can only select items from the drop-down list.
3 ComboBox Properties [Cont.] ListCount: The number of the list items. ListIndex: The index of the selected listbox item,Starts from 0. Sorted: True/False Specifies whether or not the list box items are sorted. Text: specifies the list box’s selected item.
4 ComboBox Methods Additem: Adds an item to the combobox. ComboName.AddItem string-value[, listindex] RemoveItem : Removes one item from the combobox. ComboName.RemoveItem [listindex] Clear : Removes all items from the combobox. ComboName.Clear
5 The Timer Control
6 A control that enables you to generate response based on the value of the computer’s internal clock. Properties: Interval: Specify the frequency of timer events (measured in milliseconds = 1/1000 second). Events: Timer: The only event where you place the code for the timer control.
7 Lab6End