HIAPER Progressive Science Mission (22 November- 23 December, 2005) Daybreak before take off
Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment Investigators: Laura Pan (PI, ACD/TIIMES) Ken Bowman (Texas A&M) Mel Shapiro (NOAA/NCAR M M M ) Bill Randel (ACD) Rushan Gao (NOAA) Teresa Campos (ACD/EOL) Chris Davis (MMM) Sue Schauffler (ACD) Frontal Cloud - flt Collaborators: Chris Barnet Jennifer Wei (NOAA/NESDIS Satellite data) Satellite data support : Sylvia Murphy (ACD)
START Flight # (502RF01)
Stratospheric Intrusion and the Separation of the Thermal and Dynamical Tropopause
Flight RF
GW breaking? KH wave breaking?
START Flight #4 RF
Chemical tracers and tracer correlations for impact studies
Tropospheric tracer Stratospheric tracer Stratosphere Troposphere Stratospheric tracer Tropospheric tracer Altitude TP Chemical Transition using Relative Altitude (RALT) and Tracer-Tracer Correlations (TTC) Tropopause or transition lyr
ER-2 data O 3 -H 2 O (POLARIS)
Day of wave but no turbulence Day of a lot of turb
[Pan et al., 2006] NASA DC-8, SONEX
Value of airborne remote sensors
The Aberystwyth Egrett Experiment University of Wales, Aberystwyth University of Cambridge NPL DLR Airborne Research Australia Funding from UK NERC UTLS programme May – June 2000
Aberystwyth MST Radar Inertia-Gravity Wave: generating and breaking at the tropopause Pavelin, Whiteway, and Vaughan, JGR, 2001
Large scale transport (G. Vaughan and Co.) 5 June 2000 Egrett
Turbulent mixing of ozone and water vapour just above the tropopause Horizontal flight leg: 11.4 km altitude