Process Improvement Ideas Abe Taleb José G. Rodríguez
Kaizen Events Small process improvements that can be set up and executed in a short period of time. Usually accomplished at little or no expense, without sophisticated techniques or expensive equipments. Focus on simplification by breaking down complex processes into their sub-processes and then improving them.
Categories: Ease of implementation Cost benefit ratio Time to implement Customer priority Weights were assigned to each of the categories. Based on these weights, 10 were pre-selected. Customer priority will conclude this selection process. Selection of Improvement Ideas
Rating Rating Scale MetricWeight531 Ease of implementation0.20Easy to implement Moderately difficult to implement Difficult to implement Cost/benefit ratio0.20Low ratioMedium ratioHigh ratio Time to implement0.10<6 hrs<12>24 hrs Customer Priority0.50Very important Moderately important Less important
Reduce the # of boxes that go from Pack to ADM Boxes reach the ADM with certain frequency. This must be reduced in order to minimize the number of late shipments. Visual aids specifying which conveyor is for totes and which one is for boxes, could potentially reduce this. Cost: <$100 Time: <6 hrs
Order accuracy and inventory accuracy are metrics in yellow. The ADM has the lowest inventory accuracy. It is assumed that the number of errors in replenishment due to poor label design is large. In the ADM, these metrics can be increased by redesigning the labeling of the slots locations. Cost: <$250 Time: <12 hrs Redesign Labeling of Slots in ADM
Currently the ADM is underutilized, not only to the fact that low movers are on it but because several slots are empty. Consider reslotting the ADM, to maximize its utilization. Cost: ? Time: 1-2 weeks Use all 1024 slots in ADM
Pickers have to login and logout from each section with a single tote. There is a lot of waste in this process. Design a new method to pick by sections letting queues build up. Pick with batched totes. Cost: ? Time: <1 week Design new method to reduce idle travel time in picking mechanisms
Currently pickers have a hard time reaching the top lanes in carousel. This results in a loss of time due to excessive effort to reach the top. Move items from top rows to idle carousels. Cost: ? Time: 2-3 weeks Improve Ergonomics on Carousel
Supply Latex Gloves Some employees working on the floor take latex gloves from maintenance to avoid cuts when picking items. Gloves being available may lead to more employees using gloves for protection. Cost: $100 upfront + $75 a month Time to implement: <1 day
Fix Shipping Conveyor Boxes to be shipped either get flipped over or are to far to a side of the conveyor to be read by the Quantum Sorter. Results in boxes to be sorted by hand. Will increase productivity of workers. Cost: $20 - $500 Time: <24 Hrs
Minimize Returned Product Study causes that lead to product being returned. Economic advantage if number can be reduced. Cost: ? Time: 2-3 weeks
Track Expiration Dates Large amount of inventory leads to product being left in facility for over a year. Product that is 12months old can not be sold and is thrown away. Simple colored sheets with dates could be applied to all incoming product. Colors would change on a monthly basis. Cost: $50 a month Time: <24 hrs
Dedicated Time for Bulk Picking Workers picking bulk often stop other workers from picking. 48 hour time goal for bulk would allow for picking to be delayed. One idea is to only pick bulk in the morning when orders are slow. Cost: Minimal Time: <1 week
Change Bulk Picking Review new ways to pick bulk orders. Could more than 400 items be picked by multi-tote. Could improve worker productivity and pick time for bulk orders. Cost: ? Time: 2-3 weeks