Chapter 9 Great Destination
Part 1 Adventure Vacations 2- Previewing Vocabulary Nouns Adventure Amount Archaeologists Behavior Biologists Climate Coast Dolphins Evidence Glaciers Ocean Plants Pollution Prehistory Seeds Sight seeing Species Weather
2- Previewing Vocabulary Verbs Count Disappearing Go camping Go sightseeing Prefer Adjectives Bored Intelligent Tropical Worried Adverb together
4- Working with New Words 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A, B 6. C
5- Understanding New Words for Direction 1. southwest 2. southeast 3. northwest 4. northeast
After you Read 7- Finding the Main Idea A. A trip with Earthwatch is a good way to learn something and have a vacation, too. 8- Finding Details
A: √ Some people go camping. √ Some people swim, fish, cook over a fire, and sleep outside. √ Some people stay at a hotel in a city. √ Some people go shopping all day. √ Some people go to special places such as Disneyland. B: √ They want to learn something and maybe help people, too. √ Some groups plan special adventures. √ Earthwatch sends volunteers to different places in the world. √ Earthwatch volunteers study the environment, work with animals, and learn about people of the past.
8- Finding Details C: √ Two teams will study glaciers. √ One team will study animals and snow. √ Volunteers will need to be active in cold weather. D: √ Dolphins are a species of fish. √ Dolphins live in family groups. √ Dolphins are intelligent. √ Scientists want to know more about the way that dolphins act with each other. √ Scientists want to know more about dolphins’ health.
9- Working with New Words Paragraph B: a surprising and exciting trip. adventure Paragraph C: fields of ice that move very slowly. glaciers Paragraph C: how much of something there is. amount Paragraph D: a huge body of water. ocean Paragraph F: going away. disappearing
Understanding Words from Their Prefixes Some parts of words can help you to understand the meaning. Here are three: pre-, archae-, and bio-. Prefix Meaning and Example: pre- means “before”: preview = to look at before Archae- means “ very old, from the past”: archaeology = the study of things from the past. Bio- means “life”: biology = the science of living things.
10- Understanding Words from Their Prefixes 1- Prehistory 2- Archaeologist 3- Biologist
USING GO + VERB + -ING FOR ACTIVITIES You can use go + verb + -ing to describe activities that people do fro pleasure. Use this structure in the present, past, and future tenses. Also, use it with modals (such as can, should, or might) and verbs such as like, love, or hate. Examples: We went hiking last weekend. You can go swimming in Puerto Vallarta. I like to go shopping if I have money.
Some Common Verbs that Use go + verb + -ing Bowl : go bowling Dance: go dancing Hike: go hiking Sightsee: go sightseeing Surf: go surfing Window-shop: go window-shopping Camp: go camping Fish: go fishing Shop: go shopping Ski: go skiing Swim: go swimming
Part 2 Your Travel Personality 2- Previewing Vocabulary Nouns Campfire Museum Personality Relaxing Seafood Water sports Worries (worry) Adjective Boring
Part 3 Tours and Traveling 2- Answering Comprehension Questions 1- French cooking tour. 2- The whale watching in Mexico. 3- Thailand jungle safari
3- Making Connections 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B
4- Building Vocabulary Across 1- pollution 6- species 8- amount 9- attractive 13- irony 14- slim 16- prefer 18- overweight 19- adventure
4- Building Vocabulary Down 2- obesity 3- spend 4- behavior 5- southwest 7- intelligent 10- climate 11- together 12- tropical 15- raw 17- bored