August 19, IUPAP C11 Vera Lüth Chair of C11 International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Commission of Particles and Fields
Vera LüthIUPAP – C112 New Initiative: Authorship of Publications As HEP Collaborations supporting major experiments grow, there is increasing concern about authorship of scientific publications Author lists cannot continue to grow, because they do not appropriately credit those who have contributed they do not allow others to identify those most knowledgeable about the results, thereby hampering scientific discourse Lead to absurd publication and citation records C11 proposes the formation of a Working Group Representation of large collaborations, major HEP Laboratories, research universities, C11, a few wise individuals Interacting with IUPAP WG on publications Consultation with publishers Outcome is uncertain, general solutions will be difficult to find. Consensus will be hard to achieve! Can we formulate guidelines? Collaborations have their own way? C11 prepared to formulate a charge and time line for the WG.
Vera LüthIUPAP – C113 APS Guidelines on Authorship Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the concept, executions, or interpretations of the research study. All those who have contributed in this way should be listed as authors. Other individuals who have contributed and are not identified as authors should be acknowledged. Sources of financial support should be disclosed. All Collaborators share some degree of responsibility for any paper they co- author. Some co-authors have responsibility for the entire paper as an accurate, verifiable report of research. They include those who are accountable for the integrity of the critical data, carry out the analysis, write the manuscript, present major findings at conferences, or provide scientific leadership for junior colleagues. Coauthors who make specific, limited contributions to a paper are responsible for them, but may only have limited responsibility for other results.
Vera LüthIUPAP – C114 APS Guidelines on Authorship (cont.) While not all coauthors may be familiar with all aspects of the research presented, collaborations should have in place an appropriate process for reviewing and ensuring the accuracy and validity of the reported results,. Every coauthor should have the opportunity to review the manuscript before its submission. Collaborations should have a process to archive and verify the research record; to facilitate communication and allow all authors to be fully aware of the entire work, critique it and pose questions concerning the work and be able to share the data prior to and after publication. All members of a collaborations should be aware of and understand this process.
Vera LüthIUPAP – C115 Proposed WG on HEP Authorship Collaboration will be/have been invited to nominate representatives to join this WG Charge and membership need to be finalized soon. Proposed Time scale: 1 year to draft report! Membership? Representatives of large Collaborations Atlas, CMS, LHC_B, ALICE CDF, DO, BTEV, MINOS BELLE, BABAR, Super-K,…. Representatives of large HEP Labs C11 members Representatives of universities, smaller labs, regional groups Chairperson, Secretary to be nominated How to arrange meetings? Phone Conferences?? Website? Feedback from collaborations, labs, community?
Vera LüthIUPAP – C116 Proposed Agenda for Authorship Discussions Wednesday, Aug. 18, 20:00 – 22:00, Conference Room 7, 2 nd Floor of BICC Representatives of the major collaborations have been invited to give a very brief overview of what their current practices are, or/and what they are planning for the future. These presentation should be very brief, 5 min max. Most of the time should be reserved for discussion 1) 10 min Introduction Vera Luth, C11 2) 50 min Reports on current practices/plans in large collaborations: H1 Max Klein D0 Dimitri Denisov CDF Daniel Withson BABARDavid MacFarlane Belle Steve Olsen ATLAS Rüdiger Voss CMS Chunhua Jiang 3) 50 min Open Discussion on how to proceed 4) 10 min Conclusions