Indora Integration Plan Project 4 Jim Gedarovich, Phil Ho, Joe Dowden
Outline Revision History Integration Strategy Program Stubs & Test Data Responsibilities and schedule Problem Recording & Resolution
Revision History 11/01/08 Sound Effect system fully functional 11/10/08 Physics system fully implemented and ready for testing 11/5/08 Map Maker finished and ready to be black box tested
Integration Strategy Bottom Up Required Sequence, Layered
Integration Strategy Input Movement Controls Background Scrolling & Sprite Position Collision class Dead sprite De-spawner The Screen Manager Map Maker Sound / Music
Integration: Map Entry Criteria Test Description Program stub, test data Final Tests (Exit Criteria)
Program Stubs and Test Data Map Class dummy input Background class temp_init(); XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Subversion (SVN) version control system used to maintain current and historical versions of files Used In Development / Integration Server and Client Net-beans Client vs. Eclipse Client
Schedule and Responsibilities
Problem Recording Take place on local copies AIM always on while working on project Entry Criteria Pass -> 'Commit' Final Tests after 'Commit' Problems Found Relayed to Coordinator