Scattering theory of conductance and noise Markus Büttiker University of Geneva Multi-probe conductors.


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Presentation transcript:

Scattering theory of conductance and noise Markus Büttiker University of Geneva Multi-probe conductors

Buttiker, PRL 57, 1761 (1986); IBM J. Res. Developm. 32, 317 (1988) 2 Quantum Kirchhoff law; current conservation; gauge invariance

Multi-probe conductors: scattering matrix magnetic field symmetry 3

Four-probe resistances Current contacts Voltage probes G has eigenvalue zero! 4

Reciprocity Fromand 5

Reciprocity: Benoit et al. Benoit, Washburn, Umbach, Laibowitz, Webb, PRL 57, 1765 (1986) 6

Reciprocity: van Houten et al. skipping orbit electron focusing van Houten et al., Phys. Rev. B39, 8556 (1989) 7

Skipping orbits immune to disorder (semi-classical) quantization 8

Edge states bulk; Landau levelsedge states Halperin, Phys. Rev. B25, 2185 (1982) 9 Landau gauge

Quantum Hall effect Buttiker, Phys. Rev. B38, 9375 (1988) 10

Edge states: smooth potential equipotential line Transition from N=3 to N= 2 edge states velocity 11

QPC in high magnetic field equipotential lines at the saddle: edge states Buttiker, PRB 41, 7906 (1990) 12

QHE: Non-ideal contacts « The Quantum Hall Effect in Open Conductors », M. Buttiker, in « Nanostructured Systems », M. Reed, ed., Semiconductor and Semimetals, Vol. 35, (1991). 13 Edge states a physical reality

Noise spectral density

Multi-probe conductance: leads asymptotic perfect translation invariant potential seprable wave function energy of transverse motion energy for transverse and longitudnial motion scattering channel channel threshold

Occupation number and current amplitudes Incident current at kT = 0 Incident current at kT > 0 Occupation number = statistical average Creation and annihilation operators «Incident current »« Current amplitude » Buttiker, PRB 46, (1992)

Current operator Current in contact single channel result current amplitude:(incoming)(outgoing) multi-channel channel result Current in contact Buttiker, PRL 65, 2901 (1990)

Current operator component vectors quantum statistical average average current, conductance Buttiker, PRL 65, 2901 (1990)

Conductance: finite temperature quantum statistical average

Noise spectral density zero-frequency spectrum (white noise limit) equilibriumfluctuation-dissipation theorem Spectral density S (noise power) Use quantum statistical average of four creation and annihilation op. non-equilibrium shot-noise Buttiker, PRL 65, 2901 (1990); PRB 46, (1992)

Equilibrium current fluctuations Use with for all auto-correlation cross-correlation QHE-plateau N:

M. Henny, et al., Science 284, 296 (1999) Experimental test

Equilibrium voltage fluctuations infinite impedance external circuit Langevin sources with QHE plateau: for longitudinal resistance for Hall resistance

Summary Outlook Conductance of multi-probe structures Reciprocity (Onsager-Casimir symmetry relations) Quantum Hall effect Occupation number fluctuations Noise spectral density for equilibrium and shot noise Johnson-Nyquist noise in multiprobe conductors Shot noise correlations in multiprobe conductors Two particle interferometers and shot noise Entanglement Quantum state tomography

Review on Shot Noise « Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Conductors » Ya. M. Blanter and M. Buttiker, Phys. Rep. 336, 1 (2000)