Designing Ongoing Assessments
Practical Things to Think About When Designing Assessments Group or individual assessment? Is the UP introductory, guided or culminating? How is technology used in the UP? Is the assessment formal or informal? Who will participate in assessing? How will evidence be recorded? Anything else?
Considerations for Designing Rubrics How many rubrics? Rubric for the entire unit? Rubrics for each UP? Rubric just for some UPs? What UPs should be represented in a rubric? What’s the appropriate grain size? What kinds of performances are most important to assess? What other performances matter, but are less central?
Considerations for Designing Rubrics, continued... What counts as evidence of understanding? What must students do? What other kinds of performances will be acceptable as evidence? How to frame criteria How to handle assessment of group and individual work in a rubric
Considerations for Designing Rubrics, continued... How to communicate performance standards? What is the basis for the standard (curriculum frameworks? student generated? teacher specified?) Choice of language How many levels? Weighting & numeric score Designing a rubric for usability Who will use the rubric (teacher only? peers? student for self-assessment?) How will evidence be recorded? Space for comments?